Guide: 6 Online Shopping Tips to Get More For Less

The holidays are approaching and everyone’s wallet is getting thinner every day. It’s hard not to be generous during the pouring season. The more loved ones you have, the more likely you are to spend lavishly on them to show your appreciation for a year of their unconditional support. We’re here to help you get more for less. For starters, you need to stop shopping as a novice shopper. Be smart, do your due diligence, do multiple checks before checking out that cart, talk to the stores you buy from, and don’t be shy about discounts. If you want to save on your purchases, here are six tips you shouldn’t go shopping without shopping these holidays.

1. Use coupons

Coupon doesn’t make you cheap, it makes you smartBefore buying anything online, you should definitely do that look for couponsMost online stores offer discounts as part of their sales and marketing strategy, and usually do post or announce these coupons on blogs, social media accounts and through their affiliate channels. IMAGE: Yoel Ben-Avraham For example, go to and choose a relatively popular course. Once you find one, copy the title and use it as part of a Google search: discount coupon ‘[title of the course] Nine times out of ten, you’ll find a coupon for that particular course posted somewhere online by the course creator. You can do this for other items too, but add the name of the website for better results. The same is true for many online stores, and they vary greatly in the range of discounts. Some coupons would offer free shipping, while others can be worth anywhere from 10% up up to 90% discount. If one side doesn’t (and probably the most important shopping hack you’ll ever read this holiday season) install the Honey plugin in your browser. It automatically searches for coupons available for each product and applies the largest discount during checkout.

2. Price tuning is your ally

When buying gadgets, or just about anything that is not exclusive to that specific seller, you should look for other online stores compare pricesOnce you have a large number of prices and websites for the same item, contact their support and show you the lowest price available online for that item and ask them if they can match the price. If they want your money, they will likely give you a discount. If my explanation wasn’t clear enough, it goes like this: Suppose I want to buy a premium gaming mouse. Seller A lists it at $ 500, Seller B lists it at $ 550. What I’ll do next is contact Seller B and send them Seller A’s information about the same product and basically tell them, “Hey, I want to buy this item, but I saw on this website that they are selling it for only $ 500. Do you think you can offer a lower price? If so, I’ll buy it from you. “ Magic.

3. Walk away

This may sound strange, but a lot of online stores come after you like you put their products in your shopping cart and then leave itLots of these stores follow ‘abandoned cart’ and will do their best to get you, the hot lead, from them as soon as possible (while the iron is still hot). In some unpleasant cases, closing the website will pop-upup with a coupon that says “Wait, don’t leave yet. Buying this now with this coupon will get you a 20% discount!” However, the norm is that these online stores would email you coupons after a few hours or at most a few days. Make sure to register as a user on their site, but don’t be an easy buyer. With a little willpower, you might get the savings you deserve.

4. Choose the refurbished

Believe it or not, refurbished items are actually better in quality than non-refurbished items. The idea here is that when an item, say an iMac, is purchased and found to be defective at the factory, the buyer returns it to the store for a refund or replacement. So what happens to the faulty item? Well it returns to the assembly line and is repaired, double and triple checked, and made sure I was working 100%. The company has already lost money on this device spending time getting it repaired and adjusted to an acceptable level of quality before it can be released into the wild a second time – and at a cheaper price. The short of this is that refurbished items will continue quality assurance and inspections more than non-refurbished units before they are put up for sale. The next time you want to buy a gadget, it doesn’t hurt to check out the refurbished section first.

5. Browse Clean, Browse Incognito

Many online stores display prices differently based on the user who is browsing. This is possible because they know your location, what you were browsing beforehand (and the prices shown), and several other factors that contribute to their dynamic pricing model. For example, if you live in a more affluent neighborhood, they will likely automatically increase the price for the item you want to buy. But compared to another person browsing from a developing country, the same item would be cheaper. If you surf from a Mac, you will likely see higher hotel rates than if you were surfing on a PC. IMAGE: Indigo Skies Photography Another thing about dynamic pricing is that if you’ve visited them before (which they know), and they are the only sellers of the item you want to buy, they have the leverage to increase the price – whatever they do. To fight this, browsing with another browser (eg if you are using Chrome, use Firefox) and go incognito. In this way, the prices listed on their websites are the standard prices. This is very true when booking airline tickets or hotel rooms so always use incognito before you start shopping.

6. Note the new and small shops

Rather than just buying from large and popular online stores, look for smaller but reliable stores. Most likely, their offers are cheaper because they want to compete with the bigger companiesIt’s also likely that their customer service is more personal, direct and responsive, especially if you ask for a discount or claim a warranty for a product. Finding a smaller store is easy. All you have to do is fire up Google and search for the item you are looking for. Then scroll to the second or third page. The lower level websites you find there are your friends. These smaller online stores will be glad you even noticed them and will do everything they can to get your money. It’s better to sell cheaper than to sell nothing at all. Simple logic, right?

To end

Before telling me further that I forgot to mention that using events like Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, I want to stop you there. These events are announced days or weeks before they take place, and they aren’t exactly secrets. But then again, prices are literally dropping by the floor and getting a big discounted gift at one of these events is a possibility – if you’re brave enough. Buy online when possible. Unlike brick-and-mortar stores, online stores do not need to pay rent and maintain a large workforce to keep their businesses running lowering their operating costs and transfer some of those savings to you, the consumer. Looking for online stores to get your gifts? Checking out: Holiday Shopping: 60 Largest Online Stores From 30 Countries 40+ Websites To Buy Geeky Gifts You Should Know About

6 Online Shopping Tips to Get More For Less: benefits


Final note

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