Guide: Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide

Does your presentation in Google Slides look a bit dull and boring? Are you looking for ways to spice things up up a little? Adding animations and transitions to your presentations is one of the easiest things you can do to make something more attractive. Plus, you can with animations too up multiple objects on a slide in a row, allowing you to focus on a specific topic before moving on to the next. You just can’t achieve this effect with a static slide. Like Microsoft’s PowerPoint, Google Slides supports animations and transitions that give those boring numbers and charts a much-needed facelift. If you are not sure how to add animations in Google Slides, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out how to jazz up up your presentation by adding various animations to objects in Google Slides.

How to Add animations to Google Slides

Adding animations to objects in Google Slides is a fairly straightforward process. Follow these steps to add animations to an object: Step 1: Open the presentation in which you want to add the animations.

Step 2: Select the slide with the objects you want to animate.

Step 3: Click Insert in the top toolbar to open the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Select the Animation option from the drop-down menu to open the Transitions panel.

The Transitions panel will then appear to the right of your presentation. This panel allows you to add animations to specific objects and also add transitions between slides (more on that later).

Step 5: Now select the object you want to animate by clicking on it with the left mouse button. You know the object is selected when it has a blue box around it.

Step 6: Then click on ‘+ Select an object to animate’ in the Transitions panel to do the necessary.

Step 7: The object should now be added to the panel and you can choose an animation by clicking the first drop-down menu below it.

Step 8: You can choose how you want to activate the animation from the next drop-down menu. Allows you to play the animation with one click, right after the previous animation or next to the previous animation.

Step 9: You can adjust the speed of the animation with the slider on the right under the previous menu. You can move it to the left to make the animation slower or to the right to make it faster.

Once that is all in place, you can click Play button to see what the animation looks like. If you don’t like anything, you can easily go back to the Transitions panel and make the required changes.

And that’s how you animated an object in your Google Slides. Although I’ve animated the image in this example, you can use the same method for almost any object on your slide. Make sure to play the animations once before making the changes final.

How to Add transitions to Google Slides

Transitions are animations between two slides that keep slides from looking too jarring. Adding transitions to Google Slides is as easy as adding animations. After all, they use the same Transitions panel. Follow these simple steps to add transitions in Google Slides: Step 1: Open the presentation you want to edit and then click Slide in the top toolbar.

Step 2: Select the Change Transition option from the drop-down menu to open the Transitions panel.

Step 3: Since you have not selected any objects, the animation option will not appear this time. Instead, you’ll see a drop-down menu from which you can select different transitions.

Step 4: Once you’ve selected a transition, you can also adjust the speed by moving the slider to the right below the drop-down menu. It works exactly like the one I mentioned earlier; left to slow down the animation and right to speed up the animation up

If you want to use the same transition between all slides, you can click Apply to all slides buttonBut if you want other transitions, you have to switch to the next slide and repeat the process again. Make sure to check how the animation looks by clicking Play button after making any changes. If you’re not sure if your slide has the transition or animation, you can check the Quick Look column on the left. If you see a new icon (see image below) next to your slide, it means the Google Slides have saved the animation.

Now it is always nice to know the basics of any software. That’s why I detailed the process in the steps above. However, if you want to save some time, you can also access the Animation Transitions panel from the shortcut menu. To do this, select the object you want to animate and click the right mouse button. Select animation from the context menu and the Transitions panel should pop up right away.

Don’t go overboard

I’m sure you’ve heard of the adage that everything is okay in moderation, and that includes animations. While animating essential parts of your presentation will grab the audience’s attention, diverting too many parts can be distracting. So make sure you don’t go overboard and animate everything in your presentation. Otherwise, all those effects will only distract from the content you want them to focus on. The next up Want to be sure that you are giving an excellent presentation? Check out the following article for ways you can manage your presentation with your Android phone

Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide”] In this guide, we told you about the Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide; please read all steps so that you understand Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the Add Ani­ma­tions in Google Slides: Guide tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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