Guide: Add Mul­ti­ple Clocks on Win­dows 10 PC: Guide

From wishes on birthdays to keeping up It can get hectic when fulfilling obligations if the other is on a different continent. Keeping track of different time zones and the time difference can be challenging. Fortunately, you can add multiple clocks to your Windows 10 computer. Oh! You didn’t know? That’s why I was always chatting with Google to find out the time difference (s), but it’s a lot easier now. On a Windows computer, you can add multiple clocks for different time zones and regions. This is also useful if you run a company with customers or employees spread across different countries. So how do you add multiple clocks to your Windows? We have provided two different hassle-free methods in the paragraphs below.

Add multiple clocks to the start menu

I am located somewhere in West Africa and my computer clock is set to the West African time zone by default. In this tutorial, I will add a new clock for a completely different time zone / region (Baltimore – a city in Maryland, USA) to my PC’s start menu. Step 1: Tap the Windows key and select Alarms & Clock from the apps list.

You can also type Alarms in the search box and click on the corresponding result – Alarms and Clock.

Step 2: From the Alarms and Clock home page, navigate to the Clock section.

That shows your local time, date and a map with a geo pin showing your current location. Step 3: To add a new clock for a different region or time zone, tap the plus sign (+) in the lower right corner of the screen.

That will bring up a new search bar at the top of the map. Step 4: Type a location in the search box. It can be the name of a country, state or city.

As you type in the box, the Windows system will show some suggestions. Step 5: Tap a region of your choice from the drop-down list and the corresponding clock will be added to the dashboard.

Windows displays the time difference between your default time zone and the newly added time zone. A new pin with the location of the new clock would also be added to the map.

Step 6: To add the new clock to your computer’s Start menu, right-click on the clock and select the ‘Pin to start’ option.

Step 7: A window will pop up asking you to confirm if you really want to add the new clock to your PC’s start menu upTap Yes to continue.

And that’s it. When you tap the Windows icon on the screen or your keyboard, you should see a tile with the newly added clock.

If you have added a clock in a completely different time zone, we recommend that you also lock your primary (read: local) clock in the Start menu. This eliminates the possibility of confusing the newly added clock for your local clock. Step 8: To add your primary clock to the start menu, go back to the clock dashboard, right-click on the local time clock and select the ‘Pin to start’ option.

Step 9: Tap Yes to confirm the action.

Now you should see multiple clocks in your PC’s start menu. All clocks must be properly labeled with their respective location and time. Repeat steps 1 to 7 to add more clocks.

Add multiple clocks to the taskbar

If you’d rather have multiple clocks for different time zones on your PC’s taskbar, follow the steps below to get it done. Step 1: Type Control Panel in the Windows search bar and tap the corresponding result.

Step 2: Tap the ‘Clock & Region’ option.

Step 3: Right under the ‘Date and time’ section, tap ‘Add clocks for different time zones’.

That will open a new window where you can set up multiple clocks for different time zones on your PC. Note: You can only add two new clocks / time zones to the taskbar. Step 4: To add the first clock, check the ‘Show this clock’ box.

Step 5: Tap the ‘Select time zone’ drop-down menu button and select your preferred time zone from the available options.

Step 6: Name the clock or use the default display name (clock 1).

We recommend that you change the name of the clock; preferably to match the name of the region or time zone so that it can be easily distinguished from your primary time zone. Step 7: To add another clock, check the second ‘Show this clock’ box, select a time zone and change the clock display name – or use the default name such as Clock 2.

Step 8: Tap Apply button

Step 9: Click OK to save the new clocks.

When you hover your mouse over the Date and Time section of the taskbar, the time and date of the local and new time zones will be displayed in the tool tip

And when you click on the taskbar clock, the newly added clocks will be displayed right above the calendar.

Multiple clocks come to the rescue

If you struggle to keep up given the time differences between multiple regions, you should use one of the above methods to add their respective clocks to your Windows computer. That would help you manage your daily tasks and events effectively, especially with people living in different time zones. The next up Has the clock disappeared from the taskbar on your Windows PC? The article linked to below will guide you to how to bring the date and time back to your pc’s taskbar.

Add Mul­ti­ple Clocks on Win­dows 10 PC: Guide: benefits


Final note

I hope you like the guide Add Mul­ti­ple Clocks on Win­dows 10 PC: Guide. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the Add Mul­ti­ple Clocks on Win­dows 10 PC: Guide, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Add Mul­ti­ple Clocks on Win­dows 10 PC: Guide”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide Add Mul­ti­ple Clocks on Win­dows 10 PC: Guide, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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