Guide: Adjust Audio Bal­ance in Win­dows 10: Guide

Have you ever paid close attention to the sound on a Windows 10 computer and found that something was wrong? You may have tried using headphones, Bluetooth speaker, or another audio device. However, the imbalance would be clearly audible. That means one side of your headphones is louder than the other. Sometimes your audio devices just produce distorted sounds when connected to your PC. If the sound output from audio devices on your computer is unbalanced, you don’t need to throw them out or reinstall Windows. You can correct or correct the unbalanced audio. This guide will scam you how to get it done and ultimately optimize your listening experience.

What messes up The audio balance of your PC

1. OS upgrade

Upgrading your PC’s operating system to a new Windows version can disorient some of the default settings you entered earlier. If you have a new operating system installed on your computer, there is a possibility that your audio settings may become distorted. Some users have reported a sound imbalance after upgrading their PC to a new OS.

2. Special audio enhancements

Windows PCs come with built-in special audio enhancements designed to make your audio devices sound better. While these special audio enhancements really do contribute to improving sound quality, sometimes it messes up up the balance of audio devices connected to your PC.

3. Faulty headphones / speakers

Sometimes it is not your PC. Your audio devices speakers are simply faulty and need to be replaced. To make sure your PC isn’t responsible for the audio imbalance, here are some ways to check (and adjust) the audio balance of your Windows 10 PC.

How to Adjust the audio balance on a Windows 10 PC

1. Turn off special enhancements

If you notice some degree of imbalance in the audio channels of your headphones or speakers, it could be the result of an improvement that your Windows PC may have activated by default. Enhancements such as Bass Boost, Surround Sound, Room Correction, etc. can disturb the balance of your headphone channels. To correct this, turn off any special enhancements attributed to your Bluetooth headphones. Here is how to do that. Step 1: Right-click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar and select Playback devices.

Step 2: Select your audio device and click Properties.

Step 3: In the Enhancements section, check the ‘Disable all enhancements’ box. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

If you do this correctly, the sound quality of your audio device should now be balanced. Otherwise, check method 2 below.

2. Adjust the left-right speaker volume

If disabling special enhancements does not produce the desired result, continue to check (and adjust) the volumes for each channel. It is also recommended to use this method for any new pair of headphones or speaker that you want to use with your computer. That should give you the good output that the audio gear is capable of. Step 1: Right click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select Playback devices.

Step 2: If you continue, select the device whose audio balance you want to adjust and click Properties.

Step 3: On the new window that appears up, navigate to the Levels section and click Balance.

Step 4: Then adjust the volume and balance of the left and right channels / speakers of your device to your taste. Note: The number 1 represents the left speaker / channel, while 2 represents the right speaker / channel. If the left and right channels of your audio device have different / uneven volumes, make sure to balance them. Step 5: Click OK to save the changes. You can play a video or music to confirm that the changes have been made.

3. Customize the registry entry

Some manufacturers permanently lock the left-right audio channels of their accessories, so you may not be able to adjust the device’s volumes (as in step 4 above). Windows also sometimes locks the ability to adjust the audio volume / balance by default. The good thing, though, is that it can be unlocked. Here is how to disconnect the joint volume from your headphone channel by editing the windows registry. Step 1: Start your Windows PC run function using the Windows + R keys on your keyboard. Step 2: Type regedit in the dialog box provided and tap Enter button on your keyboard.

Step 3: Navigate to the following path / location in the registry editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlBluetoothAudioAVRCPCT Step 4: In this location, double-click the value named DisableAbsoluteVolume and change the value data to 1.

Step 5: Finally, click OK to save the change and restart your PC.

Now that you have the absolute volume turned off, you can now manually balance the audio channels of your Bluetooth headphones. Note: You do not have to repeat this process every time you want to adjust the LR channels of your headset. It is a one-time institution.

Balance must be restored

That is it. You have finished adjusting the balance of your audio device (s). This one tricks works for wired headphones, wireless speakers, soundbar or any audio device up connected to your Windows PC. The next up Did you know that headphones that support aptX HD provide an immersive audio experience? Check out the best aptX HD wireless headphones you can buy below.

Adjust Audio Bal­ance in Win­dows 10: Guide: benefits


Final note

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