Guide: Best Codepen Tips For Beginners

Codepen is a super easy and popular site write down a working front-end code combination right away. If you don’t know what Codepen is or have never heard of, it is in fact one online source code playground (let’s call it OSCP to sound geeky) for the three musketeers of front-end encryption; HTML C.S.S and JavaScript There are other similar OSCPs such as JSFiddle, JS Bin, CSSDeck & Dabblet. Codepen is definitely one of the most famous among front-end developers. Without further ado, let’s jump right into some simple and useful tips for using Codepen.

1. Run Button

If you’re not a fan of the way the output of your code in Codepen stays fresh as you type, you can unsubscribe from the “Auto Update Preview” option, and get a run button instead. If you click on it, you can see and update the output of your code anytime you want This is also a good option if you are working with code whose output is undergoes many layout changes, and is repainted every time it is updated, resulting in slowness.

2. Increase / decrease number

Increase or decrease the numbers in your code in Codepen without typing in the new numbersAll you need to do is use the Ctrl / Cmd key combination and Up and down arrow.

3. Multiple cursors

You can place cursors on multiple points in the source codeand then type or edit on all those points at the same timeThis only works if you enter the same information and reduces the need for copy and paste. Just hold down the Ctrl / Cmd key while clicking those multiple points.

4. Different colored console messages

The Console has JavaScript object a few more methods next to log () to allow you print things in the web console You can use the info (), warning (), and error () methods for information warning and wrongTypically web consoles color these messages by type, or display an appropriate icon next to them (such as a warning sign before the warning message) for easier recognition Codepen has its own console which you can open by clicking on the console button in the lower left corner. It is ideal for a quick check of console messages without having to open the browser consoleThis console distinguishes the different types of console messages with different background colors

5. Export

Once saved, a pen (a single Codepen entity) can be exported as a ZIP file with all its HTML, CSS and JS code in files. There is also an option to store the pen as a Github core (a Git repository). You will find the export button in the lower right corner of each pen.

6. Search and replace

Find and replace – an essential operation for people who tend to rename their variable names every now and then. Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + F is the key combination for open the “Find and Replace” dialog

7. Emmet tab trigger

Do you know of tab triggers for Emmet encoding? Emmet is a front-end developer productivity tool that allows you to do just that type skeleton code that will be expanded laterTo do this in Codepen, just quickly type the correct abbreviation in the editor, hit the Tab key and the full code will appear instantly. Only available for HTML in Codepen.

8. Retrieve individual code files

If you use the export option as mentioned earlier, you will get all three files (HTML, CSS and JS) from your pen. But if you are interested in just one or two of those files, and want to download them separately, there is also an option in Codepen. Once logged in to Codepen, go to your pen and click Change View button in the upper right corner. At the bottom of the drop-down list, you will see it direct download links for the individual files

9. Inspect JavaScript variables

Since Codepen’s JavaScript console connects to the JavaScript stored in your pen, you can also use it to quickly test your JavaScript. This feature is especially useful in inspecting JS variables, like this way you no need to insert additional console or warning messages for testing purposes only in the original code.

10. Rotate the pen to template

If you do most of your pens with the same set of code, you can use a template to create keep that repeating codeTo make a template from a pen, check the option Template under the Settings menu. If you make a new pen later, you can do that start with your saved template by clicking the down arrow to the right of the new pen buttonA drop-down list will open with all your saved templates for you to choose from.

Best Codepen Tips For Beginners: benefits


Final note

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