We’ve prepared a selection of our best Linux text editors in this lesson. We’ve included both graphical user interface text editors and command line editors. You could want one of each in some circumstances. This will assist you in determining which one is ideal for you and your situation. Some text editors are more than simply a text editor; they also function as an IDE, which makes them extremely handy. These are particularly useful in developing applications in the Linux environment, and while there are many text editors available, we will only focus on the 10 best text editors for Ubuntu Linux. A text editor is a must-have tool for both developers and system administrators, especially when working with text-based sessions. To generate, edit, and change text, we use a text editor. The best Linux text editors is useful for a variety of tasks. Some people use them to create documents. Some people create code, while others use it to change Linux and Unix configuration files on local or remote cloud servers.

Here is the list of Best Linux Text Editors


Almost best Linux text editors, including earlier ones, include the Vim editor. Vim is an abbreviation for Vi Better, which means that it is a modified and improved version of the original Vi text editor. Vim has automated commands, digraph inputs (which are useful in programming), split and session screens, tabs, coloured schemes (color-coded by function), and tagging. It is plugin-configurable and includes a tutorial (invoked with the vimtutor command). Vim is highly efficient after you’ve mastered the commands.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text transformed the best Linux text editors. It took everything that was great about the Mac-only TextMate, threw in some extras, and made those features available on multiple platforms. It was so good that it inspired the development of half of the text editors mentioned in this post. Sublime Text, unlike most recent text editors, is developed in C++ rather than JavaScript (as are Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Brackets), which provides it a significant performance advantage. It’s one of the fastest and most responsive text editors you’ll ever use, making it ideal for devices with limited processing power.

GNU Emacs

GNU Emacs is without a doubt one of the most ancient and versatile best Linux text editors available. It was established by GNU Project founder Richard Stallman, in case you didn’t know. Emacs is a cross-platform editor that includes both a command line and a graphical user interface. It is also incredibly feature-rich and, most significantly, expandable. Just like Vim, Emacs has a steep learning curve. However, after you’ve mastered it, you’ll be able to fully use its potential. Emacs can open almost any sort of text file. The interface can be tailored to your specific needs. It also allows macro recording and shortcuts. Emacs has the unusual ability to turn itself into something other than a text editor.


GitHub developed Atom, a free and open-source best Linux text editors. It is a desktop application made with web technologies that is based on Electron (CoffeeScript, JS, Less, HTML). It’s a modern text editor that’s hackable to the core, and it’s sometimes referred to as the text editor of the twenty-first century. Atom’s main features include cross-platform editing, a built-in package management, a file system browser, support for multiple panes, a find and replace tool, and clever autocompletion. You may add new features to Atom by choosing from thousands of open source packages. It can also be tailored to your own requirements and preferences.

Visual Studio Code

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a text editor that supports numerous major programming languages, including Go, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, C, and C++. It is a directory-based, language-independent source code editor with several extensions that focuses on directories rather than projects. Bracket matching, syntax highlighting, code folding, linting, debugging, and built-in version control through Git, Subversion, or Perforce are among the features available in VSCode. Since its original release in 2015, VSCode has been a popular programming tool among users of all desktop operating systems, including GNU/Linux.


For years, the debate between Emacs and Vim has been one of the most intense in the Linux community. However, in terms of age, Emacs easily outperforms Vim. Emacs is one of the oldest pieces of software still in use, having been released in 1976. Emacs, like vim, can be challenging at first, but it will give you with the most efficient and productive working environment ever. Aside from doing everything Vim can, Emacs is best Linux text editors and highly extensible. It also has its own full-featured package manager for downloading those extensions. You can use Emacs to browse the internet, check your email, view PDF files, listen to music, share files, watch movies, check IRC, play games, and much more.


Notepadqq is a Linux editor inspired on the Windows application Notepad++. Despite the fact that the best Linux text editors projects are managed by separate developers, Notepadqq is a close match to Notepad++. Pros: Tabbed projects, color-coded syntax, syntax highlighting, auto-tabbing, and a good search-and-replace tool are all supported by Notepadqq. It contains a smart-indent feature that remembers the last line’s indentation settings. Another advantage is how quickly it translates data between different types of character encoding.


Typora is a premium Markdown best Linux text editors, Windows, and macOS. It focuses on offering a distraction-free environment so you may write with maximum concentration without being bothered by too many settings or options to fiddle with. Because the UI is so clean and basic, writing in Typora is analogous to writing on a blank sheet of paper. The programme removes elements that may divert your attention away from writing, allowing you to stay focused. Typora offers a concentrate mode and a typewriter mode to provide you with a distraction-free writing environment. You can also instal custom themes to make the app more customised. It provides a free 15-day trial after which it can be purchased for $14.99.

Helix editor

Helix editor is a rust-based terminal best Linux text editors that is both fast and resource efficient. It highlights syntax using Tree-Sitter, which speeds things up. Context-aware completion, diagnostics, and code actions are provided through the built-in language server support. Helix editor includes a number of sophisticated capabilities that allow it to function similarly to other editors such as Vim and Emacs. According to their website, they are a post-modern text editor; if Neovim is the current Vim, then Helix is post-modern.


Gedit is the default text editor in the GNOME desktop environment. This general-purpose text editor strives for simplicity and use. Gedit’s interface is simple and uncomplicated, in keeping with the GNOME project concept. Gedit, written in the C programming language, saw its first public release in 2000. This open-source and free programme fully supports internationalized text. Configurable syntax highlights several programming languages such as C++, C, HTML, Java, XML, Python, Perl, and others in Gedit.

Final Words

If you’re a seasoned Linux user, you’ve probably heard of most, if not all, of the options on this list. For the best Linux text editors majority of users, Nano, Vim, or Emacs should suffice. Experienced terminal users could explore with Micro, Helix, or other terminal text editors. These four command-line text editors are suitable for almost everyone. Look no farther than ne! However, if all you want to do is edit a few lines of code and don’t worry about quickness.

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