Guide: Best Places to Visit in Google Street View

Google Street View is one of the most interesting services of Google Maps. This allows you to take a virtual tour of many great places on this planet. This way, you can visit places you wouldn’t normally go (or places you ever want to go), and that too from the comfort of your homeIsn’t that cool? There are many great sights to see on Google Street View, and I’ve picked ten breathtaking sights for your virtual sightseeing.

1. Grand Canyon

I’ll start with one of the places people from outside the US rarely visit – the amazing Grand Canyon on the Colorado River. Google Street View offers many great visuals, including the ability to float across the river and look at the rock walls around you. Try it below.

2. The Mary Celeste wreck

Just because the service is called Street View doesn’t mean it can’t offer underwater travel and one of the largest I’ve come across is the wreck of the Marie Celeste, a paddle steamer that sank in the Caribbean Sea in 1864. .

You can’t really expect to see the actual ship, of course, but it’s still fascinating to move what is left of it.

3. The Burj Khalifa

I have to admit I’m pretty scared of heights, but that has never stopped me from going on top of a skyscraper that I may have encountered on my travels. I have never been to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. So I decided to pay it a visit via Google Street View.

This tallest man-made structure is certainly a sight to behold, and Google Street View offers quite a few options along those lines. My favorite is this view from the maintenance room on the 73rd floor of the 828 meter high building. Check it out below.

4. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN

Do you remember a few years ago that this huge device made all that news at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (or CERN) in Geneva? Well, you can now take a look at the device and try to figure out what the whole thing was about.

You can take a walk and see what it feels like inside CERN.

5. Hashima Island

This is all nice, but how about some silence? Complete silence as you will visit Hashima Island, a former mining facility with a small town around it.

The island has been completely uninhabited since 1974, apart from the explorers who occasionally come to it. If haunted ruins are your thing, it doesn’t get any better than this. Oh, and I would have to tell you that this is where Javier Bardem’s character in the James Bond movie Skyfall was headquartered.

6. Cinque Terre

This beautiful coast of the Italian Riviera is especially fascinating because of the terraces that the locals have built on the landscape.

I cannot begin to describe how beautiful this tourist destination looks. The five villages it encompasses have paths between them, with no access for cars. Visit it below.

7. The River Thames, London

I couldn’t help but mention one of my favorite cities in the world, London, where Google Street View gives you the option to take a cruise on the River Thames.

Even if you’ve visited London a few times (or even live there) it’s something spectacular to see it from a boat on the Thames.

8. The Eiffel Tower

This is one not to be missed. You just have to experience the view of the city of Paris that you get from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I’m sure these views will convince you to check out just how beautiful the city of Paris really is (if you haven’t already).

9. Venice

Another classic tourist destination, another city that enthusiasts love; Venice is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

The Google Street View team has done their best to capture this amazing city in all its glory. A great place to start your journey is on the canal, opposite the Doge’s Palace.

10. HMS Ocelot

My last choice may be considered a bit strange by some people. It is HMS Ocelot, a submarine that sits in the Chatham Istoric Dockyard in England and can be visited by tourists.

If you’ve always wanted to see what a submarine looks like on the inside, Google Street View has granted your wish (hint: it’s kind of claustrophobia-inducing). HMS Ocelot is a 51 year old ship; so things in it can be very interesting. Personally, I found it fascinating.

Bottom Line

Google Street View is a great place to look if you want to find a great place for a vacation, or if you just want to waste some time looking at incredible things. These were my picks in terms of great places to visit during the service. Discovered more in Street View? Share it. Top image: Charlotte 9OT

Best Places to Visit in Google Street View: benefits


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