Guide: Best Time-Tracking Tools To Enhance Productivity

Time is money. Especially for freelancers, time is the element that determines how much you can get done in a day and determines your pay rateTo help you make the most of your time, there are a number of time tracking tools available on the Internet. Some tools are made with remote teams in mind, others are designed specifically for freelancers. To help it time tracking app that suits you best, I have tested many tools and selected the five best options for you. So let’s take a look the best time tracking apps that track automatically the time you actually spend on work.


TopTracker is totally free with no limit to the number of users, clients or projectsIt is available as a desktop and web app. It’s easy to work: just create a project, add team members and start tracking your work. TopTracker offers a lot of useful features Like it timer screenshots, webcam shots etc., however, you can control how often the screenshots are taken and even add blur to screenshots if necessary. Just set your parameters and get back to work TopTracker desktop version in the status bar for quick accessIf you ever need a break, use ‘Stop tracking’ buttonIt has real-time summaries and reports to improve productivity with ease. Free, with no limit for users or projects. Privacy featureslike blurry screenshots. It doesn’t track keyboard or mouse clicks, so you have to manually stop tracking when you need a break. If you forget to stop the timer, it runs automatically even when you are awayThe app does not work offline, and even the desktop version is tied to a browser no support for versions earlier than Mac OS 10.7, and the Linux version is still in beta.


DeskTime is the best time tracking tool for remote teams. With this service manager can see who has earned their salary and who has spent hours updating Facebook

It tracks time and analyzes employee productivity in real timeIt sorts apps and websites used into categories: productive, unproductive, and neutral, and monitors who is using which app and for how long. It tracks mouse and keyboard clicks to see when an employee works or has a break You can see advanced reports with charts and sheets in real timeYou can take screenshots every 5 minutes to every hour. It is available on Windows, Mac, Linux and iPhone and AndroidI think this is the best app to track not only time at work, but overall user productivity. Suitable for managers and remote teams because of its peculiar features.Has desktop version that works offline(If the internet connection is lost, DeskTime will collect information locally until the connection is re-established). technical assistanceYou can create a new project directly from your desktop. It has no shortcuts to control the desktop or web timer. some sites are considered neutral or social when in fact they are work sites, so you should manually add sites in different categories for clearer results


TMetric is a brand new free time tracking app which would be helpful for freelancers and small business owners. It has a user-friendly simple interface, and is not limited to a certain number of clients and projects

You can edit your working hours, create new tasks, switch tasks, add tags for each task and receive detailed reports on the tasks and projects you have. You may too edit your tasks and time during the day and add break hours using the timeline. Additionally, if you forget to stop the timer, it is will remind you after 10 hours of continuous sessionTMetric integrates easily with many task managers, such as Basecamp, Trello, Asana, Bitbucket, Bugzilla, GitHub, Jira, Producteev, Redmine and more. Sign up – Prices – About All the way free without limits users or customers. easy to use. easy to integrate with a number of services. Until now there is neither one mobile version nor a Linux version (it is only available for Windows). TMetric is an online app, so you have to be connected to the internet to use it. TMetric is a new app, they have not so much features: Track time only, add projects and detailed reports stop and start it manuallyIt does not have the ability to take screenshots. the desktop version is only available for Windows, other versions will be ready soon.


Freckle is aimed at simplifying the time registration processThere is a timer in it, just like in any other app, but you can also add manual input. To start a new task, you must fill in the form with three things: deadline, project and descriptionAt the top of every page you will find an input bar.

Here you can select the date, define the time spent, select a project and use hashtags for tasks. The hashtag is something unusual when it comes to time tracking, but it makes it easier to find a project you need You can add unlimited projects and receive powerful reports in PDF, Excel and CSV. They have pricing plans for an organization ($ 199 / month), a team ($ 49 / month), and an enterprise ($ 499 / month). Sign up – Prices – Knowledge Base Suitable for large companies and external teams (new users, projects, customers and managers can be easily added.Using hashtags make it easier to find tasks and projects 10 seconds to add a new customer to the app. They have quite unclear sales pageCould be using hashtags for tasks both beneficial and disadvantageousIt is not suitable for freelancers, since the subscription for one person costs $ 19 per monthFreckle is a web app, so an internet connection is required to use itThere are also no native apps available.


If you’re confused by complicated pricing plans from other timekeepers, you can take Tick’s price depends on the number of projects you work on in a certain periodSo if you’re a project-for-a-freelancer, most likely you will get the Check the app for free

To start working with Tick, all you have to do is specify the client, project and task and start the timer. It is useful timecard with a calendar to see your time in one place. You can also count the total project time and create accounts. Their pricing plan ranges from $ 0 to $ 149 depending on the number of projects tick integrates with Basecamp and QuickBooks and 400 other web appsIt has detailed reports with filters: by a customer or by a person. The timer in Tick runs in the background and works regardless of what you do during the day: you can switch tabs and even close your browser. You can even set multiple timers and switch between them Simple rate plan. Perfect suitable for one freelancer.Price depends on the number of projects. Can be integrated with many web apps. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and even Apple Watch It would be pretty pricey if you have too many projects.It does not suit large companies with larger teams and many projects, but it suits an individual freelancer perfectly.


Each of the tools in this list has its own pros and cons. When a tool is full of usefulness features but is expensive, the other offers less features with affordable plans. It essentially depends on your specific needs which tool works best for you. So, let us know in the comment section which time tracking apps you use and why?

Best Time-Tracking Tools To Enhance Productivity: benefits


Final note

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