Guide: Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings

Recently, Facebook was caught in one of the biggest data breaches: the Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal. Cambridge Analytica has used personal information from Facebook users to provide them with personalized political advertisements. This information is collected through the third party apps that we grant access to during signing up for them. Thanks to this scandal, Facebook recently launched an improved way to remove third-party apps from your profile. We’ve covered that along with some other important Facebook privacy tips that could improve your overall Facebook experience. Here’s one guide that explains the privacy settings of Facebook.

1. Hide your personal information

Everything else is bad. Information too. It’s your personal choice how much you want people to know about you, but I recommend that you keep it as little as possible. Facebook provides privacy settings for all personal information. If you’re happy with your friends list, you can keep your personal information visible only to them instead of keeping it public. When creating a Facebook account, we usually add everything that Facebook asks. For example contact number, work and education, family members, places where you have lived and even birthday. Adding a birthday is harmless, of course, but some people like me don’t want false birthday wishes. We wrote an article about it how to shut it down. To hide other personal information on Facebook, you need to do the following. Step 1: Open Facebook on your PC and click on your name in the top bar to go to the profile page. Note: You can change these settings via Facebook mobile apps too.

Step 2: Click About. You will find many settings on the left. These will also contain many sub-options. Click on the setting you want to edit.

Step 3: To edit sub-settings, hover your mouse over the settings and click the Edit option. For example, if I want to change the setting for my home city, I move my mouse over the location. Then click on the Edit option.

My location setting is currently set to Friends of friends. I will click on it and change to Friends. Finally, click on Save Changes buttonIn the same way, you can change the privacy settings for other personal information.

2. Hide messages from other people

While you are posting to Facebook, you have complete freedom to play with the privacy settings. You can show your messages to some and hide them from others. Facebook offers six different ways to control privacy. You can choose to keep your post public, limited to your friends list, exclude friends from your friends list, or only specific friends. You can also set it to Only me or create a new custom list. Interestingly, Facebook lets you change the privacy setting before and also after publishing the posts. To change the privacy setting of posts before publishing the post, click the privacy box next to News Feed in Compose Post.

To change the privacy setting of a post after you’ve published it, navigate to that specific post and click the privacy icon below your name. You can also use this setting to change the privacy of old messages.

3. Change the privacy of all old messages

The above method allows you to change the privacy setting of individual messages. What if you want to change the privacy setting on all your old messages? Fortunately, Facebook lets you do that too. With the Restrict old messages setting, you can change who can see your old messages. However, it is limited to friends only. This means that when you enable this setting, any messages you have shared with friends of friends or public will be changed to the Friends setting. Only your friends can see those messages. Follow these steps to limit old messages: Step 1: Open Facebook on your PC and tap the little down arrow in the top right corner. Select Settings from the menu.

Step 2: Click on Privacy on the right, followed by Limit previous posts.

Step 3: Tap Limit previous messages button confirm.

4. Use limited list

Very few people know this cool Facebook featureI am talking about limited list. The restricted list allows you to hide your messages from people in your friends list. Once added, your posts will not be visible to them unless they are kept public. It’s a toned-down version of the block. Your friends will never know if you are adding them to the Restricted list. You can also view their profile without any restrictions. For example, if you want to hide your messages from your parents, you can add them to the Restricted list. Unless you share a public post, none of your posts will be visible to them. Follow these steps to add a person to the restricted list: Step 1: Go to the profile you want to restrict. Hover over Friends and select Add to another list.

Step 2: Choose Limited from the list.

5. Customize how people can find and contact you

Facebook also lets you customize the way people can reach you. You can customize who can send you friend requests, who can view you up using the email address, phone number etc.

While you can control these settings, I think the options provided in each are limited. For example, in Who can send you friend requests, you only get two options: Everyone and Friends of friends. What if I don’t want to receive friend requests from anyone? Facebook does not offer that option. But let’s be grateful for what we have now. To change these privacy settings, go to Facebook Settings> Privacy and adjust as desired.

6. Don’t allow people to post to your timeline

If people who post random things to your timeline annoy you, you can change the privacy setting of Facebook timeline. Using this setting, you essentially close the doors of your timeline to everyone. This means that no one on your friends list can post anything to your timeline. To do this, follow the steps: Step 1: Go to Facebook settings by clicking on the small down arrow in the top right corner.

Step 2: Then click on Timeline and Tagging on the right. Click Edit next to ‘Who can post to your timeline?’ option.

Step 3: Click the Privacy box and choose Only Me from the options.

7. Adjust the privacy setting of your wall posts

With the above setting, you can prevent people from posting new posts to your timeline. However, sometimes we want to limit the number of posts already posted on our timeline. Facebook offers a privacy setting that allows you to adjust the privacy setting of your wall posts. With this setting, only authorized people can view your wall posts – both old and new. Fortunately, unlike the setting above, here you get multiple options to choose from. To do this, go to Facebook Settings> Timeline and Tagging. Then click Edit next to ‘Who can see what others post on your timeline?’ Click the privacy box to choose the desired setting. Also read: Top 13 Facebook Stories Tips to use it like a pro

8. Adjust the tag settings

Without proper control, tagging is annoying. Imagine someone tagging you in a stupid photo of you on a busy day. Until you remove the tag, the damage is already done. But with some tweaks to privacy settings related to tags, you don’t have to face such embarrassments. First, you can view all your tagged posts before putting them live. Then you can also adjust who can see your tagged posts. All these settings can be accessed from Settings> Timeline and tagging.

9. Remove access to third-party apps

Over time, you may have used Facebook to log into many websites. While some are reliable, others cannot be trusted. Better to delete these apps from your Facebook account. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Open Facebook on your PC and go to Settings.

Step 2: Click Apps and websites on the right. Then select the apps you want to remove and click Remove button

Prevention is better than cure

Better to take some precautions than to regret it later. Use the above privacy setting tips to enhance and enhance your daily Facebook experience.

Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings”] In this guide, we told you about the Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings; please read all steps so that you understand Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the Best Tips for Facebook Privacy Settings tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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