Guide: Best VLC Play­er Key­board Short­cuts

Whether it’s a software or the operating system itself, having the most important shortcuts in memory and using them every day can save you a lot of time in the long run. While some may like the mouse more and think it can make them more productive, keyboard is something you use a lot more than the mouse and thus know how to Using it faster and better doesn’t hurt. We’ve already covered 15 great Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts that might surprise you. Today we’ll see 15 cool keyboard shortcuts you can use VLC, one of the leading cross-platform media players, to boost your productivity. Chances of you knowing them all are unlikely so I insist you check them out. You never know, some of these can make it really easy for you when it comes to playing videos on VLC. Important note: We have a astonishing guide on VLC called The Ultimate Guide to VLC Media Player. It is available as a beautiful page and as a downloadable ebook. Make sure to check that out.

1. Space bar to play or pause

Now two of the most used functions while playing a video are play and pause, which is why VLC has assigned it to the largest key on your keyboard, the space bar. While the spacebar is the de facto play / pause key when it comes to media players, you can’t take it for granted. For example, many versions of Windows Media Player don’t have it. So knowing where it works and where it doesn’t is useful.

2. F to switch to full screen

So you’ve picked a movie, embedded the subtitle (if any), prepared a tub of popcorn, turned off the lights and then you’re finally ready to put the movie in full screen and play it back. Don’t bother with the mouse, just hit the ‘F’ key. Allows you to switch between full screen mode and windowed mode on VLC.

3. A to change the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio in simple words is the width to height ratio of the video. When you play a video it does not automatically fit your window, so you will have to try different predefined available aspect ratios to bring out the best. Using the context menu to cycle through the aspect ratio can really be time to talk. Just press the button A on the keyboard to do that quickly.

4. Z to change the zoom mode

Z allows you to quickly zoom in and out on the video in windowed mode. It alternates between a quarter, a half, original and double.

5. Alt + Left / Alt + Right to slow forward

Do you want to skip a few seconds on the video? Just press the Alt button along with the directional button you want to skip (right for forward and left for backward). Any important event is skipped 10 seconds of your video.

6. Ctrl + Left / Ctrl + Right to fast forward medium

To skip a minute In the video, replace the Alt key in the shortcut above with the Ctrl key.

7. Ctrl + Alt + Left / Ctrl + Alt + Right = long forward

If the seconds and a minute aren’t long enough, combine both, the Alt and Ctrl keys along with the direction button to skip 5 minutes of the video. Well, that’s the longest you can get with the shortcut, any more than that, and you’ll have to use the search bar. Note: People using an Intel HD graphics card may want to disable their card’s global hotkey before using the shortcut above. I didn’t and my screen turned upside down.

8. Ctrl +Up/ Ctrl + Down to increase or decrease the volume

To decrease or increase the volume of the video, simply press the Ctrl key and use the up and down direction buttons. It is always easier to use the said shortcut than to search for the volume buttonIf your laptop is granted with a fast volume function button, you can use them directly to control the volume of the Windows device.

9. M to mute

Not much can be said about this. By pressing the M. button will mute or unmute your video.

10. CTRL + E to adjust audio / video effects

To adjust audio or video effects, such as equalizer, color contrast, etc., while playing a video or listening to a song, press Ctrl button together with E will open the Audio / Video Effects window.

11. T to show time (remaining and elapsed)

In windowed mode, you can just look at the search bar to get elapsed and remaining video time information. If you want to know the remaining or elapsed time of the video in full screen, just press the T. button to get three second information in the top right corner of the video.

12. +/- to play faster / slower

If you want to watch your videos in adrenaline or bullet time mode (if you are not a gamer you probably won’t understand) then press the minus (-) button slows down the playback speed of your video, and the plus (+) increases it.

13. N / P = Play next in list / Play previous in list

If you have multiple songs in your playlist, you can just press the N or P to play the next or previous media respectively.

14. S to stop playback

If you didn’t like the video or if there was an urgent job to do up, press the S button to stop your video. If you are in full screen mode, your video will be stopped and VLC will return to windowed mode.

15. Ctrl + H to hide / unhide controls

With so many hot keys, who needs on-screen controls while watching a video? They all seem so unnecessary !! If you want to hide these controls, simply press Ctrl + H buttonYou can get it back with the same. The above 15 are the keyboard shortcuts I use most in VLC while playing both audio and video. Which of the above did you discover today? Which one are you probably going to use the most from now on? Are there any cool shortcuts we missed? Tell us!

Did you like the article? Then you would love our ebook on VLC

Here’s the link, check it out: The Ultimate Guide to VLC Media Player.

Best VLC Play­er Key­board Short­cuts: benefits


Final note

I hope you like the guide Best VLC Play­er Key­board Short­cuts. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the Best VLC Play­er Key­board Short­cuts, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Best VLC Play­er Key­board Short­cuts”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide Best VLC Play­er Key­board Short­cuts, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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