Guide: BoxCryptor Helps You to Encrypt Drop­box Fold­ers

The security of personal information is one of the most important concerns of every computer user. To solve this problem, we have already discussed several methods through which you can encrypt your files, bookmarks, emails and more such ways to secure data on your PC. Times have changed and most of us today tend to have our data on cloud storage services like Dropbox these days. Not that they are not secure, but stories have come to light in the past of people hacking such services or data being compromised due to security vulnerabilities. Today we’ll see how to easily encrypt the data we store on our Dropbox account to ensure extra security. We will be using a handy tool called BoxCryptor to encrypt our files in Dropbox. So let’s get started!

Institution up BoxCryptor

Before we start encrypting files, we need to set up BoxCryptor. Step 1: Download and install BoxCryptor on your computer. The installation is quite simple and doesn’t take much time to complete. Step 2: Launch BoxCryptor after successful installation. If Dropbox is installed on your system, the tool will automatically detect and create a folder in it called BoxCryptor. Since the tool also creates a virtual disk in your system, you need to do this specify a drive letter for the same. Step 3: In the next step, you must provide a password that will be used to encrypt and decrypt data. Finally, click ok to complete the installation.

Encrypt the files

Encrypting files is a breeze with BoxCryptor, just copy any files you want to encrypt to the newly created disk. Like the coding takes place in real time you will not see a progress bar for this.

After copying all the files to the drive, exit BoxCrypt using the program icon in the taskbar, which will open automatically close the virtual disk and thus encrypt your data.

If you take a look at the folders created by BoxCryptor during installation, you will see some randomly named files. These are the files you have just encrypted.

Decrypt the files

Just run the program again and enter the password you had set. The virtual disk will open automatically and all your files will be decrypted instantly.

A few points of interest

Never take advantage of the option Remember password while using the above application. If you do this, there is a high risk that your data will be compromised. After you install the application, you will see an XML file in the folder you created. Do not delete this file. BoxCryptor can detect your Dropbox folder by default, but you can change the default settings to use it with any folder The free version comes with a limit of 2GBYou can buy the application to get unlimited access.

My Verdict

The first thing that impressed me about the application was the real-time coding. Unlike other software, you don’t have to wait hours or minutes for the file to be encrypted or decrypted. So if you’re looking for an easy way to encrypt your data in the cloud or even locally, BoxCryptor isn’t a bad choice. If you know of any other such tools, let us know in the comments.

BoxCryptor Helps You to Encrypt Drop­box Fold­ers: benefits


Final note

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