Guide: Cal­en­dars 5 vs Google Cal­en­dar: Comparison and Review

Google Calendar is a popular app even among Apple users. However, there are other calendar apps that have gained a foothold in this competitive niche. One such app is the Calendars 5 app. It offers a colorful interface with some neat tricks up up its sleeve, especially for users who are bored with Google’s functional yet neutral approach. That would leave the Google Calendar user wondering if it’s worth switching to the Calendars 5 app. To help you with that, in this post we compare the Google Calendar with Calendars 5. Let’s understand how Calendars 5 differs from Google Calendar along with several features in every app so you can figure out if you need to switch.

1. User interface

Google Calendar comes with a simple and easy to use interface. At the bottom is the familiar ‘+’ icon in Google colors. Tapping this will allow you to create an event, goal, or reminder.

You can choose from different view types and switch calendars from the sidebar. For some reason it is searching button is tucked away in the sidebar instead of the main screen. You can choose to color code your entire calendar and individual events.

Calendars 5 is slightly better than Google Calendar. The search icon is always visible at the top and the top bar contains shortcuts to different view types, including an option to access tasks. There is also a ‘+’ icon to create new entries. You can open / switch different calendars from the sidebar and also change settings.

Both calendar apps are designed with different display types. I like Calendars 5 more for its ubiquitous search feature button

2. Create events, tasks, reminders and goals

Tap the ‘+’ icon in Google Calendar to choose between Goal, Reminder and Event item. An event is a normal calendar item to which you can add details such as title, reminder, date and time, and location. Some other notable options include the ability to add multiple reminders and notes and invite other people as well. You can add files from Drive or conference from Hangouts. That’s a lot of flexibility.

Unlike Google Calendar, Calendars 5 supports natural language. Google Calendar used to have this feature but then for some reason decided to get rid of it. Other Google apps like Assistant provide natural language and you can use it to create events and reminders in Calendar. Select calendars 5 up date, time and contact names from your sentence automatically and mark them. You can then add details such as an advance reminder, location, contacts and description. You can color code items, which is also possible in Google Calendar.

Calendars 5 is missing an important one feature – attachments (local or cloud). A lot of users would like to add attachments to make the events more detailed and understandable. Calendars 5 also has a separate section for tasks. Just like with any to-do list app, you can create lists and then add tasks to them. Creating a task is the same as creating an event. All options are the same too.

That eliminates the need for a special to-do app. It also increases your productivity and you don’t have to keep switching between two different apps. Google Calendar provides reminders, which are similar to tasks, but not part of a list. They are part of the calendar itself and you only get the option for date, time and recurrence. That’s it, no other options. Their standard color is red.

While not as good as a to-do list, reminders are still very useful. You can create multiple calendars and use them as lists for different reminders. Then you can choose to enable or disable these calendars as you wish to reduce screen clutter.

A unique feature in Google Calendar is goals. Google has a number of categories to choose from, where it will suggest some standard activities. This could be sports, skills, exercise, personal leisure time, and so on.

Once you’ve chosen your favorite goal, such as a new language or meditation, Google will automatically find time for it based on your current schedule. You can choose whether you want to learn Spanish in the morning, afternoon or evening and set the duration. If you don’t like the time chosen by Google, you can complete the goal or move it to another time slot and the app will learn from your behavior. It’s a neat one feature, one that many of us need to take our thoughts from our everyday life.

3. Platform and prices

Availability on a variety of platforms and pricing makes it hard to beat Google Calendar. The Google calendar app is completely free and available on Android, iOS and the web. Meanwhile, Calendars 5 is limited to Apple’s ecosystem and will cost you $ 6.99. So it totally is up up to you to choose one that suits your ecosystem of devices.

Follow a schedule

With Google Calendar you can create events, goals and reminders. Calendars 5 cost a bit to manage events and to-do lists. That’s two for one, but only on Apple devices. Both apps are well designed and have a lot to offer. Which choice you make depends on whether you want something that works everywhere. Are you willing to buy something for free or do you need something? Do you need / use a to-do list app? By answering these questions, you can narrow down your choices. You can’t go wrong with either and Calendars 5 can also import Google Calendar entries. The next up: Here are more Google Calendar tips and tricks that will help you be more productive and get more out of it. Click on the link below to know more about it.

Cal­en­dars 5 vs Google Cal­en­dar: Comparison and Review: benefits


Final note

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