Guide: Calculate Standard Error on MS Excel: Tips and Tutorial

Standard error or standard deviation is an extremely useful tool if you want to gain a deeper understanding of the data in front of you. It tells you how many values ​​in a given data set deviate from the mean value. There are two main varieties: sample standard deviation and population standard deviation, and they are both included in Excel. Let’s see how to go about calculating standard deviation in Excel.

Standard deviation for a sample

Sample standard deviation is one of the two main standard deviation functions you can use to calculate with MS Excel for your charts. It represents the standard deviation of the mean for a selected sample of data. By using this function, you can easily calculate how much a given subset of data deviates from the mean value. Suppose you have a chart showing the salaries of all employees in a company and you only want the data on the salaries in the IT sector. You use the standard deviation for a sample or the STDEV.S function.

Standard deviation for a population

Population standard deviation is the other important standard deviation function that you can calculate with MS Excel. Unlike the standard deviation for a sample, the standard deviation for a population represents the mean deviation for all items in a table. It is marked as STDEV.P in MS Excel. So, using the same example from the previous section, you would use the STDEV.P function to calculate the variance for all employees. Excel also allows you to calculate other types of standard deviations, although these two are the most commonly used. It’s worth noting that STDEV.P is the same as the STDEV function.

How to Calculate the standard deviation with Excel

Calculating standard deviation in Excel is easy and can be done in three different ways. Let’s take a closer look at each of the methods.

Method 1

This is the fastest way to calculate the value of the standard deviation. You can use it to get both the sample and population deviations. However, you need to know the formulas for this method to work, which is why so many people tend to avoid it. In this case we are working with a chart with ten columns. Here is how to do it:

Method 2

The following method is almost as fast as the first and does not require in-depth Excel knowledge. It’s great when you’re in a crisis but don’t want to mess with the formulas. Let’s see how to get the deviations without typing the formulas.

If you calculate the standard deviation in this way, you do not need to trim the number because it is automatically trimmed to two decimal places.

Method 3

There is also a third method, namely the use of Excel’s Data Analysis toolkit. If you don’t have it, here it is how to install it. Now that the installation is complete, let’s see how to use data analysis to calculate standard deviation. You can find the standard deviation for population in the output overview.


The value of the standard error or standard deviation can be calculated in a number of ways. Choose the method that works best for you and follow the steps in this article.

Calculate Standard Error on MS Excel: Tips and Tutorial: benefits


Final note

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