Guide: Check Video Res­o­lu­tion on Android and Win­dows

In the world of high-definition content, quality is king. However, this quality comes at a price: the storage that the content consumes on your device, be it your device phone or even your computer. With smartphones at the heart of content creation, it is used for everything from recording videos to creating images. But how can you be sure about the resolution of a video? Before we move on to that question, we need to understand why it is essential to find out the resolution of a video? A video’s resolution directly impacts the quality and you will have to sacrifice a little more storage space for the quality. This also works for downloaded content. Often there are files we download that promise to be HD or 4K, but in reality, they turn out to be of very poor quality. And to find out that you don’t have to do much, here’s our answer guide on how to find out the video resolution of any video on Android and Windows. Also read How to Use VLC as a video cutting tool

Search video resolution on Android

Android with its advanced file managers, has made it very easy to find out the true resolution of a video in just a few clicks. Step 1: Open the Gallery app and go to the videos section.

Step 2: Select a video whose resolution you want to check. Keep in mind that this will work for any video, whether it was recorded with the device or downloaded from another source. Open the video, but you don’t need to play it. Now find the information tab indicated by the up arrow followed by two solid lines.

Step 3: The next screen shows all information related to the selected video. One thing should be noted here, different devices have different gallery apps and the location of the information tab can vary.

Search video resolution on Windows

As with Android, finding the video resolution on Windows-based system is also not that difficult. Here’s how to do that: Step 1: Search for the video you want to know the resolution and other details. Right-click on the video file and select Properties from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: On the next screen, select the Details tab.

Step 3: That’s all you have to do. The Details tab shows you all the details about your video. All you need to do is scroll down and check it.

Video resolutions and their approximate file sizes

Can you play 4K videos on your Phone

4k or Ultra High Definition is the new gold standard for video recording and playback. It offers the best possible video quality without going overboard as 8K. More and more devices such as televisions now support 4K resolution playback. However, when it comes to mobile phones, QHD or Quad High Definition is the more popular format. This is mainly due to size limitations and also because human eyes cannot contain the pixel density of more than 450 PPI. This is why Apple continued to shy away from high-definition displays on its devices.

Coming back to the point, play a video with 4K resolution on you phone good. Even if you phone doesn’t have a 4K screen, it will still play a 4K video without any issues. However, the question you really need to ask yourself is, why would you need all that detail on a small screen? In my opinion any video that’s 720p and especially all the way to UHD is still good for the phoneHowever, settling for a slightly lower resolution can save you a lot of storage space.

Check Video Res­o­lu­tion on Android and Win­dows: benefits


Final note

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