Guide: Cre­ating an Orga­nized Group on Facebook: Guide

Facebook recently changed its policy to curb the scourge called ‘fake news’. The unfortunate collateral of this witch hunt has turned out to the media organizations and Facebook pages in general. According to Facebook, content from pages that do interact meaningfully will be displayed up under the new timeline meta. And the term meaningful interaction here means comments and share actions that show that people want others to be aware of these posts. Before we get into the intricacies of how a Facebook group is created, let’s take a look at why this is a good idea in the current scenario. Also read How to Take screenshots of Instagram stories without being detected First, Facebook has stated that groups and group posts will have a higher priority on the news feed in the new meta that has been introduced. This is due to the fact that Facebook wants to stay true to the motto of the social media website. And that is to ensure that it is a platform to make personal connections and not a news aggregation website. Groups give the administrator a fair amount of control over the kind of people that can be in them. This tends to keep out trolls who otherwise ruin the experience of perfectly good posts. This means there is less fake news. While there are no significant drawbacks to this move, you could say that the reach of groups’ posts is never close to that of a page. But that’s what created this current scenario that Facebook needs to recover. Creating groups is now a simple matter and can be done in a few easy steps. But to make a group look and feel like the establishment, it takes more than a few steps.

Create your group

To start the process, click on the drop-down list button to the right of the ‘?’ button in the top right corner of Facebook home page.

Now click on Create Group in the list and that should open up the next window.

This is where you need to add a name of your group. Once that’s done, you can just add the people you want to add here from the tab below. You must remember that by default you are the ‘Admin’ of the group you are creating.

Now that you’ve added the people of your choice, it’s time to select the group’s privacy settings, which is an essential part. There are three types of privacy settings that can be selected for a group. These are Public, Closed and Secret. Facebook defines public groups as the ones that are visible to all Facebook users along with their posts. Closed groups are the ones that everyone can see, but the messages remain accessible only to the members. Finally, the secret groups cannot be found by anyone and the messages cannot be viewed by anyone except the accepted members. This format is strictly invitation-only. read more How to Send money via WhatsApp Here’s an overview of all the nuances of the aforementioned group privacy settings.

Now, in creating the groups, Facebook tries to make the job easier by providing some options with predefined groups of people with names based on the interests, work, and pages you like. This would mean that the group name Facebook suggests something like ‘Friends Who Like Guiding Tech’, and the list also includes your friends who already liked our Facebook page. This may not be the most efficient of all the people you wanted in your group, but you can always select one of the options. That’s based on the number of friends Facebook offers you want to have in your group. Also have a look How to Prevent Facebook page notifications from crowding your profile

Beyond creating groups

Well, just creating the group is not enough, it still requires a relevant cover photo and appropriate description on the About tab. And these may seem secondary, but strictly speaking from a Social Media Editor’s perspective, I would say these are much more important than you think. After the group has been created and the members have been added, you need to decide whether to become the sole admin or to give other people the power. You can also assign moderators who don’t have all admin privileges, but can approve posts and add people. These can be done on the Members tab in the group.

An attractive cover photo is essential to keep people coming back to the group. And if you change it regularly, that indicates the administrators are an active lot. Now all that’s left is to start posting to the group and get the group members involved in the conversations.

Cre­ating an Orga­nized Group on Facebook: Guide: benefits

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Final note

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