Guide: Delete Dupli­cate Book­marks on all Browsers: Tips

Adding bookmarks (IE users may know them as favorites) is an easy task. Just press Ctrl + D button on the web page you want to add to your bookmarks, select the folders and click Add / Done buttonBut once we add these bookmarks, most of us tend not to revisit them. Chances are, the number of websites you’ve bookmarked over the years are no longer working today. There may also be some duplicate bookmarks in different folders that you added accidentally. So today we will see how to clean these useless bookmark links in all major web browsers with the help of a handy tool called AM-Dead Link Note: Due to some limitations, the tool can only check for dead links in Firefox. I am afraid you will have to delete them manually.

AM-Dead Link is a program for Windows that makes it easy to organize your bookmarks and web links in a text file. In the program settings, you can install the program on your computer or extract it as a portable copy on your USB drive. Launch the program after installing it. For the tool to work smoothly, make sure that you have saved all the work you were doing in your browser and close it. After doing that, simply select the browser you want to check for the dead links from the drop-down menu.

The tool reads the bookmarks configuration file for the browser and displays them all. The process may take a while depending on how many bookmarks you have. Once the initial scan is complete, you are good to go.

To scan for dead bookmarks, click Bookmarks in the menu and select Check Bookmarks. The tool then tests all the links that are in the list and displays the links that are no longer alive. Once the scan is complete, click the Bookmarks menu again, but this time select Sort Bookmarks With Errors at the top of the list. Once that’s done you can select all dead links and delete them with the delete button

To check for duplicate bookmarks, click the Bookmark menu and select Check Duplicate Bookmarks. After the tool scans and returns the duplicate bookmarks, click on the button Select all but one duplicates. This will automatically exclude the original bookmark and select any other bookmark that is duplicate. You can now use the delete button to delete them.

The changes we made to the tool should be written back to the browser’s configuration file. After making sure that no instance of the browser you are trying to update is running, press Save button next to the drop-down menu. Cool Tip You can also export your bookmarks as comma separated text files (.csv) using the option on the File menu. Opera and Internet Explorer users can also update favicons of the old bookmarks before saving the changes.


So this was how to clean your bookmarks in all browsers. When I started researching for the post, I was looking for a tool that could automatically delete the outdated bookmarks (which have not been used in months). However, this was the closest I could find. If you know of a tool I’m looking for, please do tip using the comments. Top Image Credits: • Happy Batatinha •

Delete Dupli­cate Book­marks on all Browsers: Tips: benefits


Final note

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