Guide: Fix ‘100% Disk Usage on Win­dows 10’ Issue

Ever since I started using Windows 10, every time I opened Task Manager in detail view, the disk usage activity always hit the 100% target. If it wasn’t a century, it was always over 90%, which was kind of strange. For the first few days, I thought it might be because of the heavy video playback I was doing on my PC for our YouTube channel related work. But after a few weeks, I realized that even while my system was idle and no major background processes running, it hit 100% just for disk usage. The CPU status was mostly idle, ranging from only 2% to 10%. It was enough to convince me that it’s not the workload that keeps my PC running slow all the time with obnoxious disk usage. It was time to find a solution and after hours of online research I managed to discover some work tricksThis one tips solved the problem on my PC and now my computer is showing decent disk usage with a significant improvement in performance. So if you are also experiencing similar issues on your Windows 10 computer, here are the 4 things to check on your PC. Note: If you are not sure about your disk usage in Windows 10, right click on the taskbar to open it up Task Manager and enable detailed view here. In the Processes tab you can see the CPU, memory and disk usage on your computer.

The first thing to check out are the Windows Search services which are kind of buggy and cause Windows 10 to enter a search loop on your computer. Once Windows 10 enters the search loop, it starts indexing files over and over, causing the high disk usage with minimal CPU and memory usage. I’m not sure when Microsoft is going to take care of this bug, but the only option you can use is to disable the Windows Search properties permanently. Open to start up Windows’ Run box and run the command services.msc.

Once the Services window opens up, search for Windows Search and double-click it to open up the properties page. Here, you need to click Stop first to stop the service immediately and then change the startup type to Disabled. That’s all, save the settings and after some time you should notice an improvement in disk usage activity. But if you’re still having the problem, don’t worry, there are a few more things you can try.

Disable Superfetch services

The next thing to try is to disable Superfetch services from the services.msc window itself. The Superfetch service stores data in RAM so that it is immediately available to your application. Unfortunately, the service is not always right about what software you will be using and your hard drive can take minutes after starting and closing applications.

While disabling the Superfetch service, stop it first and then change the startup type to Disabled.

Turn off Windows 10 Tips

Disabling the above two services did it trick for me, but if you still don’t see an improvement, you can take a tip I read on Reddit. A few users suggested opening Windows 10 Settings and then navigating to Notifications & Actions. Turn off Show me here Tips about Windows and that’s it. It only takes a minute or two for you to see the results.

I haven’t tried this myself, but from the comments on the Reddit page, it looks like the trick works for users and is definitely worth a try.


Those were the few tips you can try to behave using Windows disk. If none of these work for you then I am afraid it is due to malware on your computer and you may have to disinfect the Windows 10 or run the installation all over again in the hope that the problem is fixed. ALSO SEE: A simple and fast way to view hardware information and usage in Windows 10

Fix ‘100% Disk Usage on Win­dows 10’ Issue: benefits


Final note

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