The KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error occurs when software or applications overwrite each other’s memory. Causes software crash and leads to blue screen. BSOD is the most common error in Windows 10 and it gets worse when you get “Unhandled KMODE Exception” error. It is the most difficult situation for a person when he turns on his PC and KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error message appears on the screen. The Blue Screen of Death appears on the screen for various reasons. The code that appears on the blue screen that provides information about the error. Most users know how to fix this error. But if you don’t know, you can read this article. We provide the complete guide to fix this problem. It doesn’t matter if you are using Windows 10 or older version and these methods are suitable for you. If the error does not allow you to boot Windows, it is recommended to start Windows in Safe Mode and try these solutions.


The kmode_exception_not_handled stop code in Windows 10 occurs when the Windows operating system is affected by a technical error. The real source of the problem is often seen in the faulty drivers. In many cases, RAM errors and corrupted hardware were also found to be the real culprits behind the problem. But the fact that this can happen to your computer at any time is an annoying problem. Suppose you are working on a project and you have an important meeting scheduled with your clients. But the moment you turn on your computer, you see a BSOD error. Well, that would no doubt give them the wrong impression of your work ethic. As legit as it sounds, there’s no way you can expect your customers to understand the kmode_exception_not_handled error, right? But how does faulty RAM or corrupt drivers affect your computer? Kmode_exception_not_handled error occurs in Windows 10 when different apps overwrite each other’s memory. This causes the software and operating system to crash. As a result, it causes the blue screen of your computer.


As mentioned earlier, there can be more than one reason resulting in the kmode_exception_not_handled stop code in Windows 10. No matter what the problem is, it can always be fixed. You won’t have to follow all the methods to solve the problem. These methods cover several possible causes of the error. Depending on the source of the problem, your problem may be resolved by the first, second, or other methods.

Disable fast startup

One of the typical factors that lead to kmode_exception_not_handled is fast startup. It is a feature on Windows 10 which significantly reduces the time it takes for the system to boot up. So what happens is that it prevents a computer from performing a regular shutdown and often creates compatibility issues with hardware devices. So, disabling fast startup feature can solve the problem. The steps mentioned below will help you to disable fast startup feature. Now check whether kmode_exception_not_handled is gone or not. If so, then great, and if not, there could be something else causing the problem.

Update the faulty driver

An outdated or corrupted driver is one of the significant causes that often give rise to kmode_exception_not_handled error. Now, there are two ways to update a faulty driver – manually and automatically. In automatic driver update, you can use a software application that automatically finds an update and installs it. Manual upgrade is easy and requires you to follow the steps below, Make sure the driver is compatible with the Windows 10 operating system.

Uninstall the faulty software/driver

If you have made any recent changes that are not supported by your computer, this can lead to kmode_exception_not_handled error. You can roll back the changes to see if that resolves the issue. Sometimes if you connect a new piece of hardware to your system it will result in the error. Now, follow the steps mentioned below to uninstall your recently downloaded programs.

Enter safe mode and install the missing drivers

If some of the files related to the drivers accidentally get corrupted and are missing from your computer, then a kmode_exception_not_handled error may occur. In such cases, you must install the missing drivers. Since you will not be able to access Windows 10 with this error, you will need to run it in safe mode. Therefore, to open windows in safe mode, press F8 continuously within 1 second while the computer restarts. Now, among many options, select the ‘Safe Mode with Networking’ option. After entering safe mode, follow the steps below to install the missing drivers. Exit safe mode once the installation of the missing drivers is complete. Restart your computer and check if the blue screen issue is resolved.

Fix problem using Windows

Most errors and issues, including kmode_exception_not_handled, can be resolved using SFC verification. It scans different files on your computer to make sure everything is working as it should. follow the guide mentioned below to run the task from the command prompt. Wait for the process to complete as it may take some time to complete. Restart Windows 10 to check whether the issue is resolved or not.

Run Windows Memory Diagnostics

Memory diagnostics is a system memory test that examines your computer’s RAM for problems. If an issue such as kmode_exception_not_handled is detected, it will be highlighted in the status bar. Follow the steps mentioned below to carry out the process. Now, the process will fix any specific issues found in Windows 10.

Final note

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