Guide: Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue

At the recent Google I / O event, a ton of new updates were rolled out, one of which was truly incredible. The Google Assistant will soon be able to order food for you without calling or even talking to the front desk clerk. While all of this is cool, exciting and scary on many levels, Google Assistant doesn’t work for many people. It’s supposed to pop up every time you say the magic word (Ok Google) … only it doesn’t. Here are some possible solutions that will help you make your bidding.

1. Enable Ok Google Voice Command

It is possible that Google Assistant is not enabled on your Android smartphone. Maybe it’s on, but the voice command feature is disabled. After all, it is optional feature Press on the home button and Google Assistant should pop up with the question “Hello, how can I help?” If not, follow the steps below to install Google Assistant on your phone Launch the Google app on your phoneClick on the hamburger icon, the icon with the three horizontal lines, and go to Settings.

At the top, you’ll see the Google Assistant heading. Below that, click Settings.

First click Phone under Devices to see if you have enabled Google Assistant or not. If not, enable it.

Below that, you will see another option called Access with Voice Match. This is for when you want the Google Assistant to recognize and distinguish your voice from others (think family members here). Click on it and follow the on-screen instructions. Google Assistant makes a speech model. However, this is not necessary for the Assistant to work.

2. Break the language barrier

Music and love have no language, everyone else is listening upGoogle is a US company, so the default language for Google Assistant is set to US English. To change it to your language, go back to Settings and click Search Language.

Choose your language and you should see a blue check mark against your new preference. Under Search Language, you should also see Search Religion. This will produce a list of countries. Choose yours from the list.

Now, below that is another option called Voice. Click Speech and choose Offline Speech Recognition.

Here you can download your preferred language to help the Assistant understand you further, even if there is no internet access. There are three tabs.

Installed is where you will find your downloaded packages, All is where you can download new ones, and Auto-Update is where you tell Google to update language packs using just your Wi-Fi. Google Assistant understands English best, so if you’re going for a regional language you may run into some issues. Cool fact: If you give a command when the phone is locked, you will notice that the phone will ask for password / fingerprint before Google Assistant works its magic. If you use the familiar voice feature, you can skip this extra step to unlock phone automagically.

3. Is your microphone working?

Google needs access to your microphone if you want it to respond to the Ok Google voice command. How do you know if everything is working properly? When you open the Google app, you will see a blue colored microphone button, just at the end of the search bar. If the microphone is not working properly, you will see a dotted line around it. If there is no line, Google says your microphone is working fine. As in the screenshot below.

You can test the microphone there by saying Ok Google or just press the microphone icon and say a command. It is also possible that dust and dirt has accumulated in your microphone. It’s a small hole near the charging port. Use a pin and don’t use water unless you want a new one phone You can also try a voice recorder to make sure the microphone is working properly. Still not sure? Visit your nearest service center. Cool fact: Did you know that you can now control your Netflix account via Google Assistant?

4. Samsung S Voice and Bixby users

Samsung smartphones come standard with S Voice and Bixby. Google Assistant is a bit possessive and doesn’t like other assistants competing for your attention. I know! So if you are using a Samsung phone with S Voice or Bixby, you have to turn it off before he / she / John Legend can respond to your Ok Google command. Just long press the S Voice app to reveal a doll up with the shutdown option. Turn it off.

5. Old school tips

This one tips are basic and old school, but still help sometimes. Here they are in no particular order.

You need mobile Internet or WiFi to open Google Assistant with the Ok Google command. Make sure you have one. Have you tried rebooting your smartphone? I know, this is not a Blackberry, but sometimes it still works! Update your Google app to the latest version. Ideally, you should see ‘Installed’ where Download / Update in Play Store should be. Try clearing the cache of the Google app. Some users have reported that deleting Google app updates and reinstalling them was the cause trickYou cannot delete the app itself, only the updates. Try it. Disable all background apps as some can interfere with the Google app.

6. Retrain the Google Assistant brain

Maybe your assistant is crazy. We all tend to lose it every now and then. Maybe you should sit with it and help it recover. Train it again. Make it understandable. Go back to Settings under Google Assistant and click Phone under Devices.

Click on Access with Voice Match and you should see the following screens.

You’re now going to retrain the Google Assistant to recognize your voice, just like you did the first time you started Google Assistant and said, Okay Google the first time. You should only sit in a quiet room before training the Google Assistant to recognize your voice and accent. So Google Assistant works for you now? Time to learn something new tricks thereafter.

Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue”] In this guide, we told you about the Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue; please read all steps so that you understand Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the Fix ‘Ok Google Not Work­ing’ Issue tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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