Fix ‘PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen Error’ Issue – Guide

The PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error is a frustrating issue because it makes the system more prone to crash, even though the error itself is not the cause of Blue Screen of Death errors. In most cases, the issue causes the system to reboot immediately after the error window appears. Reinstalling the program drivers can help fix the issue, but there are also a number of issues related to bad memory and RAM issues. The error message “Page fault in unpaged area” refers to special stop error 0x50 on devices supported by Windows OS. In simple words, this blue screen of death appears when Windows cannot access the required page to run the necessary process started. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA is a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) or Stop error that can also be identified with a total value of 0x000050. It’s a relatively old problem that recurs in older versions of Windows (7, 8, 8.1, Vista and XP) for years. However, more and more people are reporting that this phenomenon also occurs on Windows 10, especially after installing updates or apps. “Page failure in non-paged area” or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA or error code 0x00000050 means the system referenced bad memory. In other words, this happens due to incorrect memory addresses or system references to unloaded memory.[2] Consequently, the data or software you want to use/run cannot be found in RAM, which is why the blue screen “Page fault in non-paged area” might trigger.

Check the RAM

Update or roll back drivers

How to Rollback Drivers Using Device Manager

Disable automatic paging file size management

Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool

Use DISM and SFC to repair corrupted system files

How to run SFC

Final note

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