Fix ‘Screen Flickering Issue’ in Windows 11 – Guide

A flickering Windows 11 screen can be quite inconvenient, but there are solutions available. In Windows 11, a faulty video driver or inappropriate software can cause unpleasant screen flickering. When you drag a program or handle the taskbar, you may see this effect more often. Fortunately, solving the problem is simple and uncomplicated, and you can do it yourself. let’s look at how to Fix screen flickering issue in Windows 11.

How to Knife

1. Check if the Task Manager flashes

To determine if the problem is with a drive or an application, you can use Task Manager to run a little diagnostics. If it flashes, you can use this information to better identify what is causing the problem on your system. To open Task Manager: Now, see if the Task Manager flashes like everything else on the screen. If so, you may have a bad video driver to fix. However, if Task Manager is not blinking, then an incompatible application is most likely causing the blinking display issue.

2. Install Windows and firmware updates

Display-related issues are common on newly installed Windows systems. When you perform a clean install, your system may require additional updates from your laptop or hardware manufacturer before working properly. If your PC is new, installing pending updates is one of the many things to do before using a new computer. To update Windows 11:

3. Roll back your video driver

If you recently installed new drivers for your graphics card, roll back the video driver. This will undo the changes and restore the previous driver version. To roll back the video driver: Restart your PC when the rollback is complete and check for any improvements. If the rollback driver button is greyed out, Windows does not display the previous driver version ready and you cannot perform a rollback at this time. However, you can try updating the video driver to see if that helps to fix the problem.

4. Update video drivers

Updating to the latest version of the video driver can help if the existing driver is corrupted or has errors. To update your video driver, do the following:

5. Uninstall the video driver

If the screen flickering issue is due to a corrupted driver, you can uninstall the video driver from your system and see if that trick. To uninstall the video driver, do the following:

6. Adjust your personalization settings

Another way to fix the screen flickering issue in Windows 11 is to set the background to Solid Color instead of Slideshow. While this is more of a workaround than a fix, it should help you temporarily avoid the problem. To change your personalization settings: That’s it. Monitor your system to see if the screen flickering issue in Windows 11 is resolved.

7. Turn off animation effects

You can also temporarily fix the screen flickering issue by turning off animation effects in Windows 11. Since animation effects are part of the new design language, this is more of a workaround than a fix. To disable animation effects, navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Visual Effects > Animation Effects. This will disable all animation effects on your system. If you don’t want to disable all animation effects, do the following: This will disable animation effects for control and other elements. But keep other animations, including minimize and maximize and taskbar animation effects.

8. Check application incompatibility

Application incompatibility is a common cause of screen flickering issues. Uninstalling the incompatible app can fix this issue for good. However, how do you determine if an app is causing your problems and which app is causing the problem? To fix this, you can clean boot Windows 11 to determine if an issue was triggered due to a third-party application. In clean boot mode, Windows restarts the system with only the drivers and services necessary for Windows to work. If the screen flickering issue does not occur in clean boot mode, then a third-party app is most likely the culprit here. Make sure to turn off clean boot mode and restart your PC. To identify the problematic application:

Final note

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