Guide: Fix ‘Taskbar Turned White’ Issue in Win­dows 10 PC

Most of us click on the taskbar to access frequently used apps, services, watch time, and so on. It provides a handy space to switch between open apps or launch new ones from the pinned icons with a click. The taskbar is always visible unless you have chosen to hide it when it is not active. But it can be disturbing when the taskbar suddenly turns white for no apparent reason. That won’t break anything for most users and you should be able to use the taskbar as usual. However, that looks strange. Reasons for this peculiar behavior can be attributed to changes in settings or some other bug. That’s why we’ve come up with four simple solutions to fix that. Here are four ways how to fix your taskbar suddenly turning white in Windows 10.

1. Change the taskbar settings

Right-click on the taskbar and select Taskbar Settings.

Click the Colors tab in the left sidebar. On the right, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the heading “Show accent color on the following surfaces.” Uncheck the box for the ‘Start, taskbar and action center’ option.

The taskbar may have turned white because it took a hint from the desktop background, also known as the accent color.

You can also turn off the accent color option completely. Go to ‘Choose your accent color’ and deselect the option ‘Automatically choose an accent color from my background’. Now return to the desktop and check if the taskbar is still white or not. If so, check the next solution.

2. Windows 10 dark mode

Yes, even Windows 10’s dark mode can work up sometimes. So go back to the taskbar settings as you did above and click on Colors.

Check the Choose your color option to see if the selection option is white. Select Dark from the drop-down menu. Note that this setting will darken both the taskbar and the rest of the system interface. These are system-wide color settings or what you would normally call a theme. You can always change these settings later. It’s time you came to the dark side. If you want your taskbar in a dark flavor, but the rest of the Windows menu in white, choose Custom from the same menu. You will now notice some additional options.

Set Windows mode to Dark and the default app mode to Light. That will keep light or white mode on throughout Windows, but the taskbar will go dark. For example, check out the screenshot above. Thank you Microsoft for providing such diverse customization options.

3. Region settings

Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and click Time and Language.

Select Region from the sidebar and change your region to another country where Cortana is currently unavailable. Samoa is a good example.

Click on Start button and select the profile picture to log out of your Windows user account. Log in again and repeat the steps above to change the region back to where you live or what it was before.

4. Registry Editor

I would recommend that you take a back-up Create Registry Editor or at least the folder you are trying to edit before proceeding. If you don’t know your way around the Registry Editor, we recommend editing registry files (Safe Mode) and using the backupup when things break on your Windows 10 computer. Note: This fix also affects the color of Cortana’s search box and choosing a relevant value will change it too, along with that of the taskbar. Search for Registry Editor or type regedit in the Start menu and run it with administrator privileges.

Zoom in on the folder structure below or the path in the left pane. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSearchFlighting WhiteSearchBox

Double-click the value key or file in the right pane and change the value data from 1 to 0 (zero).

If the WhiteSearchBox folder is missing, you can create one. You also need to create the key and change its value as shown above. If it doesn’t work, you can delete the key and value. Back up againup and restart the computer in safe mode before proceeding. And always note the changes (where and what) you make. To create the new folder, right-click on the 0 folder under Flighting in Registry Editor, select New Key and name it WhiteSearchBox.

Go to the WhiteSearchBox folder. In the right pane, right click again to select DWORD (32-bit) value and name it Value.

Double click on the newly created value on the right and make sure the value data is 0 (zero) and choose Hexadecimal as Base.

After that, you have to restart your computer once. Hopefully, the color of Cortana’s search box and taskbar should be back to normal.

Complete the task

The taskbar is one of the busiest and most interactive areas on any Windows 10 computer, after the Start menu. Hence, it can be frustrating when the taskbar suddenly turns white. It’s like being blinded by the light, at least that’s how I felt while fixing this particular mistake. Fortunately, there are easy ways to darken it again. Another way to fix this is to hide the taskbar altogether. That’s not a complete solution because the taskbar is still white, but at least it won’t bother you. Have you found another way to fix this error? If so, share with us in the comments section below. The next up: Click on the link below to see what it means to lock the taskbar, how to do it, how to change the location and what happens when you do.

Fix ‘Taskbar Turned White’ Issue in Win­dows 10 PC: benefits


Final note

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