Fix ‘The Referenced Account is Currently Locked out’ issue – Guide

The message “Referenced account is currently locked and cannot be logged in” is an official notification from Microsoft indicating that a PC user has entered an incorrect password a certain number of times, which is why Windows has locked the account and prevented it from the user to log in for a certain period of time, which is not specified. According to experts, the error “The referenced account is currently locked out and cannot be connected” typically occurs on Windows 10 systems that belong to a domain with an account lockout threshold policy configured. The error “The referenced account is currently locked and cannot be logged in” can also occur when the account is temporarily locked out after an incorrect password is entered multiple times on the login screen when a computer has multiple accounts with the lockout limit policy account configured. The error message “The referenced account is currently locked out and cannot be signed in” is often displayed on domain computers where the user has mistyped their password multiple times and has been locked out of the domain. To resolve the “Referenced account is locked” error message, please wait at least 30 minutes before trying to re-enter your password or see below for all ways to resolve the issue.

How to fix locked account issues

Wait 30 minutes

The first thing you need to do is be patient. If an account lockout policy has been configured, you must wait 30 minutes (which is the default time set by the Windows system) before you can retry the login process. If you have remembered your password after 30 minutes, you can continue the login process. I hope that now you can access your Windows 10 system. From there, you can ensure that similar situations do not happen in the future.

Remove account lockout limit

Final note

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