Guide: Fix ‘Ver­ti­cal Blue Lines Appear­ing on Lap­top Screen’ Issue

Reliability is one of the reasons professionals choose macOS over Windows. I no longer agree. After using Windows-based systems for nearly a decade, my issues with several issues have made me rethink my OS preferences. You will find solutions to solve most problems on the Internet. However, a few specifics usually end up with suggestions for hardware or the laptop In this post, I’ll be talking about one of the infamous Windows bugs that have the potential to ruin your experience on a shiny new one laptop Many Windows users are complaining about vertical blue lines appearing out of nowhere on their own laptop or PC screens. First, one needs to know whether it is software-related or hardware malfunction. And after inspection, what actions can be taken to fix it up Let’s go step by step.

Hardware problem or software error

To fix the vertical blue lines you need to find the cause. The image below shows a random blue line on my HP Specter x360. There are a number of ways you can determine if it is a software-related or hardware problem. Try both options to make sure what exactly you are dealing with.

Take a screenshot

This is the easiest way to identify the source of the problem. As you may know, a screenshot captures which images are displayed on the screen at the same time. If it is a Windows bug, the blue line will also appear on the captured screenshot. Press Windows + Print Screen keys to take a screenshot. Go to File Manager> Pictures and find the relevant screenshot in the folder. If you can see the vertical blue line in the screenshot, then the software is related, otherwise the hardware is faulty.

In the image above, you can see that there is no blue line appearing on the screenshot, so we think the problem may be hardware related. Now follow the second option to confirm your findings.

Go to BIOS

BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is the program that a personal computer’s microprocessor uses to start the computer system after you turn it on. BIOS is free of the operating system and can therefore be useful in such tasks. Turn off the laptop and keep holding the F2 key or respective keys on the screen when the system boots up. Once you are in the BIOS, you should be able to verify whether the line is visible there or not. If it is a hardware problem, the vertical blue line will be visible.

How to Correct vertical blue lines

If it is a software bug

Most of the Windows bugs are related to the outdated drivers not working properly with the latest Windows version. Since the introduction of Windows 10, Microsoft has adopted a six-month release cycle for major OS updates. Therefore, it takes time for the updates from hardware component manufacturers to get the WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs) certified. We’ve already seen Surface devices experiencing issues due to Intel drivers. To resolve the blue lines, you need to update the Windows software through the settings menu (Intel Driver updates now correspond to OS maintenance releases).

Open the settings app (press Windows Key + I or use the notification bar), go to updates and security and check for new updates. Install any new update available for your laptop and then restart it to see if the lines are gone or not.

Alternatively, you can manually check and update the disks from Device Manager. Follow the steps below to perform the action. Step 1: On your keyboard, press the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run dialog box. Step 2: Type devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

Step 3: In Device Manager, click the side arrow to expand the display adapters.

Step 4: Right click on your graphics card and select Update driver.

Step 5: Select Search automatically for updated driver software.

Step 6: Wait for it to search for drivers online. Step 7: After it is installed, you will be prompted to reboot your PC. Close the window and restart the computer. By doing the above two actions I am confident it will fix the software related vertical blue line problem. This method is safe because only the WHQL certified drivers are retrieved. Downloading the latest drivers directly from the respective graphics chip or card maker may not lead to stable performance after installation.

What about hardware failures?

That’s a tricky one and requires some tools and expertise to fix it. First, the blue lines may appear due to a loose display cable. The cable connecting the screen to the base of the laptop and passes through the rotating hinge. Due to the ongoing opening / closing incidents, the cable can be lost over time and must be replaced. Warning: You laptop Bee home voids the warranty. So you better check the warranty status before opening it. You can do it guide here to remove and secure the same cable with some caution. And if it doesn’t work, you will need the new display cable for your laptop and replace the old one by following the same one guide I still recommend that you take the helping hand of an expert as you can damage other parts of the device in the process. Let’s say you have followed the advice above and the problem persists then my friend you are out of luck. Laptop The device LCD screen is now damaged and needs to be replaced, which given the device model can be tough on your wallet. You must visit the local service center and ask for a replacement.

Erase the blue lines

follow the guide identify the root cause of the problem step by step and take the necessary steps to resolve the bugs. In the example above, the HP Specter had a hardware issue and I ended up pay for the whole lcd screen. The next up: You may have encountered another Windows bug where the OS update is stuck. Read the message below how to solve it easily.

Fix ‘Ver­ti­cal Blue Lines Appear­ing on Lap­top Screen’ Issue: benefits


Final note

I hope you like the guide Fix ‘Ver­ti­cal Blue Lines Appear­ing on Lap­top Screen’ Issue. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the Fix ‘Ver­ti­cal Blue Lines Appear­ing on Lap­top Screen’ Issue, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Fix ‘Ver­ti­cal Blue Lines Appear­ing on Lap­top Screen’ Issue”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide Fix ‘Ver­ti­cal Blue Lines Appear­ing on Lap­top Screen’ Issue, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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