Guide: Fix ‘Win­dows 10 Remote Desk­top Not Work­ing’ Issue

The Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP is a key feature in Windows 10 Pro. When enabled, you can connect to computers on the network to troubleshoot or work from that computer / server. But it can sometimes stop working abruptly and get users like us into trouble. So if you are having connectivity issues with Windows Remote Desktop, here are a few solutions that may work in your favor. As usual, we’ll move from the simple solution to the somewhat complicated one. Let’s start.

1. Is your remote desktop enabled?

I know, you must have already checked that when you got the error. For those of you who haven’t checked yet, here’s how to check. Type external settings in the Start menu. That will display an Allow remote access to your computer card on your PC. Click on it to open the system properties.

Here, check the ‘Allow remote assistant …’ box under Remote Assistance. At the same time, you want to check the box under ‘Allow remote connections …’ to allow connections to your system.

When done, press OK button to save your settings.

2. Check the firewall settings

Then check if Remote Desktop is enabled in the Windows Defender Firewall. To do this, type firewall in the Start menu. Now select the Windows Defender Firewall option and tap on ‘Allow an app or feature’option on the right panel.

That will show you all the apps and features currently on your system. All you need to do is tap Change Settings button to activate the panel below.

Scroll down and see if the control for Remote Desktop is enabled. If not, check the box next to it.

3. Check the Windows registry

The Windows Registry is a good place to check that all keys and values ​​related to Remote Desktop have their values ​​set accordingly. However, proceed with caution with the Windows Registry which contains all the configurations used by your Windows PC. So you may want to backup create the registry values ​​before making any changes. To open the registry, type regedit in the Start menu and the Registry Tool will appear up almost immediately. Tap on it and click OK on the confirmation dialog up

Then navigate to the path below: HKLM: SoftwareMicrosoftTerminal Server Client Now right click in Terminal Server Client and select New> DWORD. Add UseURCP and enter the value as 0.

Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

4. Is it a DNS problem?

Is your remote desktop connection turning on and off and the term being redefined intermittently? If so, it’s time to take a look at the DNS server on which the computer or host is configured. By default, a simple nslookup command in the command prompt will give you the DNS server and IP address that your system is currently using.

In our case, we will tweak it to make sure it excludes the case of two different DNS records. To do this, open the command prompt and enter the following command: nslookup [hostname] You can of course use any website. If you get the same results, you can safely say that everything is fine. But if not, you can ask your internet service provider to fix this problem.

5. Check the status of RDP Services

Have you also taken a look at the status of all services related to the Remote Desktop client? Start typing services.msc in the Start menu that will open Windows Services.

Scroll down the list until you see the services related to Remote Desktop. Here you just need to make sure that none of the services have the status or startup type as disabled.

To make changes, right click on any of the services and all options will be visible to you.

6. IPv4 or IPv6?

Finally, check the default protocol of your network adapter. Usually Windows PC prefers IPv6 over older version. However, sometimes this can cause the RDP client to stop working. Fortunately, the solution is quite simple. All you need to do is go to the network and internet settings. Once inside, navigate to Ethernet and you will see the Change Adapter options option on the right panel.

Select it and right click on an adapter of your choice. Now select Properties. Here you see a long checklist. All you need to do is look for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP / IPv6) option and once you find it uncheck the selection and save the settings.

Restart your PC for the changes to take effect. Did you know: IPv6 has been evolving since the mid-1990s.

Ready for remote connectivity?

Hopefully the above solutions work well for you. But if not, you can try some third-party tools like Chrome Remote Desktop or Team Viewer. With the free version of Team Viewer you can connect to other systems, share files and audio clips, among other things features Download Team Viewer The only downside is that the system on the other end must also have the Team Viewer software installed. The next up Do you know everything about Windows 10? Get the most out of your system through Windows 10 tips and tricks Below.

Fix ‘Win­dows 10 Remote Desk­top Not Work­ing’ Issue: benefits


Final note

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