Guide: Fix ‘Win­dows Clip­board Not Work­ing on Win­dows 10’ Issue

The clipboard is a central part of any ecosystem, be it one phone or a PC. It works quietly in the background and makes all your Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V work as expected. And with the introduction of Windows 10’s Cloud Clipboard, it is native feature has a much needed boost. Now not only can you sync your copied text to your connected devices, but it also acts as a handy clipboard manager. That means the clipboard can now store a lot of your copied text. And needless to say, this alleviates the problems associated with normal copy and paste commands, where you can easily lose a copied snippet of text if your system reboots suddenly. Or worse, if you accidentally copy another text fragment (or image). But on some occasions, as I recently discovered, the Cloud Clipboard feature of Windows 10 does not work as expected. Sometimes the clipboard just refuses to show up when needed. Or worse, the clipboard refuses to sync with your connected devices. Fortunately, these are nothing you cannot fix. So, in case your Windows 10 Clipboard manager isn’t working as expected, here are some tips that you can follow. Note: The Cloud Clipboard feature is not available if you have not upgraded to the January update.

1. Enable Clipboard History

I know, you may have already checked this. But again, it doesn’t hurt to do a second check. To check if clipboard history is enabled, go to Settings> System and click the Clipboard option in the left menu.

If the clipboard history button is turned off, turn it on. Note that when this option is disabled, your system will only be able to paste the most recent item to your clipboard and you will not be able to access your clipboard history.

Once it’s enabled, run a test by pressing the Windows key + V shortcut. If it was a simple problem with the clipboard history not working, this simple tweak should fix it. At the same time, check the synchronization feature because it is not enabled by default. You have to switch it manually. To do this, you must be signed in to the system with your Microsoft account. If you haven’t already done so, click the Sign Up option and add your account.

2. Review the group policy

Another common problem with the Cloud Clipboard is synchronization featureIf you’re using the same account on two devices (a tablet or a PC, for example), ideally the clipboard items should be synced between both devices. But as expected, it is rarely the scenario. So like the above trick doesn’t solve your problem, it’s time to dig a little deeper into the advanced settings aka Group Policy. If you need to know, Windows Group Policy has a variety of advanced settings that can be tweaked to adjust settings on a local computer, provided you know your way around it. Step 1: To open the Group Policy window, search for Gpedit.msc in the Start menu.

Step 2: Launch it and click on Computer Configuration.

Step 3: Now navigate to Administrative Templates> System> OS Policies. Under OS Policies, you will see the options for Clipboard History and Sync. And chances are, the status for both will be set to Not Configured.

Step 4: All you need to do is double-click Allow Clipboard History. That will open a secondary window. Select Enabled and click Apply button

Step 5: Then click on the next setting button and click Enabled button again. When done, press OK. After that, you should be able to see the clipboard contents sync between devices using the same Microsoft account.

3. Check the registry values

If you do the above, the same should also apply to your registry. But if so, you may want to edit the registry values. As you may already know, the Windows registry contains all the settings and configurations used by your Windows system. Therefore, any change made to it should be done with great care. And if possible, a backupup of the default values ​​are created before you make any changes. Step 1: After you make a backupup created, open the Start menu and search for regedit.exe, then press Enter button when you locate it.

Step 2: Then navigate to the path below. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows

Step 3: Double-click System in the left menu. Here you should be able to see the following values, with their values ​​set to 1.

Step 4: But in case System does not contain any key other than the default key, as I did, you should add the values ​​yourself.

To add them, click on the empty space in the Registry window and select New. Then select the DWORD value (32-bit) and add the following keys one by one. When done, double-click the key and set the value of each key to 1.

After doing that, reboot your machine and the problem should resolve on its own.

Frequently asked questions about Windows 10 Cloud Clipboard

1. How many entries are stored in the clipboard?

The Windows 10 Cloud Clipboard can save up up to 4 MB of text. You can also copy HTML text.

Unfortunately no, you cannot search for clipboard content.

3. How to Pin clipboard content

To pin a clipboard text, simply click on the little pin icon on each card.

It’s worth noting that clearing the clipboard doesn’t delete the pinned items.

4. How to Clear the history from the clipboard

Summon the clipboard by pressing the keyboard shortcut Window + V and tap Clear all button in the upper right corner.

Copy Paste like a pro

For the most part of copy and paste, it’s like muscle memory. You see a snippet of text and the fingers immediately fly to the combination Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V. Therefore, it can be very annoying if the system only remembers the recent combinations and forgets the old ones. Hopefully the above methods worked well for you as well as for us. The next up Do you have a Windows 10 tablet? Get the most out of it by using the tips and tricks Below.

Fix ‘Win­dows Clip­board Not Work­ing on Win­dows 10’ Issue: benefits


Final note

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