Fix ‘Windows 10 Search Not Working’ Issue – Guide

Windows Search is an important tool in Windows 10 that lets you easily discover almost anything on your computer (including documents, photos, videos, system files, programs, emails, and settings). You can also use the function for quick access to websites and answers to frequently asked queries from the result view, due to your interaction with Bing search. While research is a valuable feature that we take for granted on a daily basis, it will eventually fail to function as intended. For example, search queries may occasionally return no results or partial results. The taskbar search box will be slow or not open, among other things. Whatever the cause, if you’re having issues with Windows Search on Windows 10, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the most common issues, such as when your device receives a faulty update that disrupts the experience. We’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot your device’s search feature in this Windows 10 article.

This should get Windows 10 Search back online, at least with local results. This is an interim fix while Microsoft addresses the root cause of the issue, and it is recommended that users undo the changes once Search is working as expected again. To undo the above process, repeat steps 13 and 14, but enter 1 in the BingSearchEnabled data field to re-enable Bing. The same can be done for steps 16 and 17, with 1 in the CortanaConsent data field. Restart your PC and you should be back where you started.

How to fix the search using the Troubleshooter

Fixing search with Settings

To fix search functionality with the Settings app, follow these steps: After completing the steps, the search feature should start working again on your computer.

Repairing Search with Command Prompt

Alternatively, you can also launch the Troubleshooter using the command prompt: After completing the steps, the Search and Indexing Troubleshooter will check and fix the most common issues with the feature.

How to fix search using reset option

You can also restart the Windows 10 process that controls search elements using these steps: After completing the steps, the process should automatically restart. If it does not restart immediately, restart your computer and confirm that the search is corrected.

How to fix search using reset option

Checking Windows 10 Version

To determine your Windows 10 version, use these steps: After completing the steps, you will know the version of Windows 10 running on your computer.

Reset Search in Windows 10 Version 1903

After completing the steps, the search should start working as before.

Reset Search in Windows 10 Version 1809

After completing the steps, the reset process should fix the issue and the search box on the taskbar should work as expected.

How to fix search using index settings

The indexing feature it can also cause issues that may prevent search results from returning on your device. If you’ve tried all the previous instructions, try rebuilding the index database to fix Windows 10 search issues. To rebuild the search index on your device, follow these steps:

How to fix search using windows update

In Windows 10, quality updates may include fixes to the search functionality, but they could also be the reason for the feature to break.

Fixing search install update

If you haven’t updated Windows 10 in a while, maybe the latest update includes a fix for Windows Search. To update Windows 10 to the latest version, follow these steps: After completing the steps, the latest maintenance update should resolve all search issues on your computer.

Fixing search removal update

While Microsoft strives to release updates to improve the overall Windows 10 experience, sometimes a buggy update can affect devices that break features like search. If you suspect that a recent update is causing Windows Search to stop searching, use these steps to remove it:

Final note

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