Guide: Google Keep vs Todoist: Comparison and Review

If you never want to forget anything, the best way to proceed is to jot it down in your to-do list, set a reminder, and follow your daily routine. Follow that and you will never forget anything in your life. The only thing to remember here is that you have a reliable system / app to record your tasks and it is available on all platforms that you are familiar with and use. Two apps we’ll be comparing today are Google Keep and Todoist. Both apps take a different approach when it comes to creating and managing to-do lists. Google Keep is a free app available on all platforms that allows you to work with text, image and audio notes. Download Keep Todoist is a robust app that is also available on all platforms, supports sub-projects, uses natural language, integrates with third-party apps, and uses targets to track progress. Download Todoist

1. Notes and to-do lists

A crucial distinction is that Keep is a note taking app that supports both notes and to-do lists. Todoist, on the other hand, is a lists-only app, but you can add comments. In Google Keep, a note can be a text / image / audio note or a note with checkboxes. It can’t be both at the same time – kind of limiting.

Todoist is explicitly built to function as a task manager where you can add individual tasks and create projects and subprojects to handle the workload.

Both Keep and Todoist are smart because they move checked items to the bottom of the list. If you create a new task that is already on the list, Keep and Todoist will remind you. As mentioned above, you can use Keep to take notes in a variety of formats, such as text, image, and audio notes. You can also draw in notes if doodling is your thing. Keep will also convert audio notes to text directly for you to edit as you wish. Likewise, it extracts text from images using OCR, which can be useful for scanning business cards or signs.

To sum it up up, where Keep lets you take notes in different formats giving you more input options, Todoist lets you create more levels and go deeper and handle complex multi-layered projects.

2. Manage and sort

Jotting down tasks that you need to do is one thing, but managing them and finding them is another. Both Keep and Todoist let you add a reminder based on date and time or location. Location-based reminders are especially useful when you need to run errands.

Todoist is more flexible in task management because it allows you to move tasks between lists and projects. Just drag and drop. In Keep, you can’t move tasks from one note to another, you can only reorder them.

Todoist also lets you create subtasks and reorder them easily.

Both Keep and Todoist let you mark notes / tasks with labels. Some people also refer to them as tags. But you cannot create projects in Keep. Instead, Keep uses visual cues and allows you to color code notes. That makes things interesting. You can choose different colors for different projects, making it easier to distinguish notes instantly.

With Todoist, you can prioritize projects and tasks at a glance, which ones require your immediate attention, and which ones you can afford to stop. Each priority level is marked with a flag of a different color.

Once you start using a particular service for your brain dump sessions, things can quickly get out of hand with hundreds of notes and tasks lying around. This is when you realize you need a thorough search and sorting featureKeep shows you a list of tags or labels on the left that you can use for sorting, including searching for text. I’ve been using Keep for a while now and can easily find what I’m usually looking for.

Todoist is much better at solving tasks. You can sort them by priority, labels, and project to get an idea of ​​what you want to achieve at the moment. Everything is easily accessible in the sidebar.

You can also sort tasks based on whether they are due today or in the next 7 days. This way, you can focus on the week ahead instead of worrying about the next month. Again, an excellent way to prioritize your workflow.

Todoist also lets you sort tasks and projects based on name and person responsible when working in a collaborative environment.

You can assign reminders to notes, which can be a note or a list, and Keep will remind you at the right time. A quick glance in the sidebar will show you all your notes and reminders individually.

Finally, there are Karma points in Todoist that act as a motivator to complete your tasks and get the satisfaction of ticking that task off the list. The idea is simple. You set a goal and list tasks that will ultimately help you achieve it. As you work towards your goals, and as you tick off more tasks, you will get more points.

A crucial difference is that you can add files to tasks in Todoist, while notes in Keep only support images and links. Honestly, if you need the incentive to finish your job, you may be in the wrong profession. Anyway, that’s just me. Ideally, you should enjoy it so much that you do it because it is fun. Okay, enough with the philosophy.

3. Integrations and collaboration

Keep is a Google product, which means, and you probably already knew it, it also integrates with other Google apps such as Docs, Slides, Forms, Sheets and Gmail. You can easily create a note for any document or sheet, but a Keep note can only be converted into a document. That actually makes sense.

Collaborating on Keep is as easy as clicking on it Share button and sending an email invitation. He / she can then start adding to the note or checklist. Good for when you are shopping in a mall and need to harmonize the items you have added.

Todoist works in a similar way where you can invite anyone to add or edit a to-do list in real time. You do this by sending an email invitation. Because Todoist is built for enterprises and businesses, you can also invite employees from other projects if they are already using Todoist. Like when you need help from the administrator to solve a specific problem.

4. Prices and platforms

Since Keep is a Google product, it is free to use with no limitation on the size or number of notes. It also doesn’t count towards your Google Drive’s 15 GB of free storage space. Todoist offers several plans, starting with free, where you can’t set reminders or add labels, premium at $ 29 for individuals and $ 29 per user for businesses. Most of the users need a premium subscription because of the restrictions they have set.

Both Keep and Todoist are available on all platforms such as Windows and Mac, Android and iOS, and have extensions / add-ons for popular browsers such as Firefox and Chrome. So you can cut web pages and sync all your data across different devices.

Notes are forever

Most of us in the habit of taking notes have hundreds and thousands of notes under our bellies. The real problem arises when you need to switch bases and use a different app or service. Better to start well, think long term, and select a note / task app that will meet your needs from the start. If you need a simple note-taking tool with a to-do list manager, Google Keep is very versatile and powerful. Todoist is more suited to advanced users with complicated work lives, multiple projects, or those who need a business solution. The next up: Want to know how Google Keep compares to Google Tasks? Check out the link below to see how they differ.

Google Keep vs Todoist: Comparison and Review: benefits

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Final note

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