Guide: Add Timer to a Quiz in Google Forms – Guide

Finally, I found a way to add a timer to a Google form, and yes, it forces the user to submit the form after a certain amount of time. It’s not like all other plugins that simply close the form to not accept any responses and users who are in the process of filling out the form lose their responses. Imagine if the student who spends an hour answering the question was only 1 minute late. This solution is very useful for educators who are using the Google Form to create online surveys and need to add a deadline. I know you can always manually check the form submission time and discard late forms. But I don’t want to discard all of the student’s answers just because he was 15 minutes late. Therefore, when implementing this solution you can set the deadline and the script ensures that the student cannot answer another question and can only send the answers. Also, you don’t need to set a deadline, you can run the script manually and exit the form.

How to add a timer in Google Forms:

Final note

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