Guide: Use Safari Tabs on an iPhone – Guide

Apple gives you the choice on iOS 15 to keep Safari’s old tab bar or adopt the new tab bar. However, before you dismiss the new tab bar, you should give it a try. It’s not that the redesigned tab bar in Safari for iOS 15 offers much better functionality on any website than before. There’s a new way to switch between sites, but it’s basically a different approach, an unknown design. Apple wants the guides to get out of the way, which is commendable. It’s more than commendable that Apple has introduced the new tab groups feature on iOS 15, it’s bright and different. Everyone loves groups of guides or simply has no reason to know they exist.

How to open a new browser tab in iOS 15 Safari

How to close a browser tab in iOS 15 Safari

How to share a website on iOS 15 Safari

How to reload a website

How to enable Reader mode on iOS 15 Safari

How to switch between browser tabs in iOS 15 Safari

How to open a new private browser tab in iOS 15 Safari

Final note

I hope you like the guide Guide: Use Safari Tabs on an iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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