How A Chromebook Get A Virus? – Guide

Chromebooks are being heavily advertised as of this writing and are marketed as devices that don’t suffer from viruses, spyware or other nasty things that can be a problem on Windows PCs. And that means a more relaxed experience. While this is true to some extent, you could still be at risk if you use a Chromebook in certain ways. We explain what you need to know about viruses and security on a Chromebook.

Are there viruses on ChromeOS?

While there may be the occasional report of a virus on Chromebooks, this is very rare. Google has done an excellent job of building ChromeOS to avoid intrusive software. This is achieved through a combination of automatic system updates, self-monitoring of any changes to files during boot.up, sandboxing browser tabs so that one does not affect the other, and encrypting sensitive data. Google describes how all these features work on your Chromebook security page. So, is this the end of the article? Are Chromebooks immune to attacks? Not exactly. While ChromeOS does a great job of staying safe, there are still threats you need to be aware of if you want to stay safe when using one. laptop.

Android Application Malware

Chromebooks have been able to run Android apps for some time now. On the one hand, this is great as it makes Chromebooks much more versatile, but it also introduces a vector for intruders to hack your system. If you’re using conventional applications from trusted sources, you shouldn’t worry about anything. But lesser-known apps can come with dangers. There have been cases in the past where apps appeared to be very similar to the more established ones, expecting you to accidentally download them. If that happens, they can usually collect your data and send it to hackers, which is not something you want. Obviously. We’ve also seen reports of fake cryptocurrency apps charging users for services they never provide and, in some cases, encouraging you to store your Bitcoin, Dogecoin or similar in the app, just so it steals digital money. This, of course, is a Windows problem. laptops, android phones and other devices, not just Chromebooks. If you use third-party app stores – anything other than the Google Play Store – then again, you may find that the apps haven’t been scrutinized as well, or at all. Google itself, with its wealth of features, still struggles to keep dubious apps out of the Play Store, so you can imagine the challenge for those with the fewest features. Another area to watch out for is Chrome extensions. Although most are safe, if you choose obscure, you can open up your system for malicious software that goes after your data.

Phishing emails and fake websites

ChromeOS may have a lot of security built in, but most hackers know that the easiest part of hitting the target is the user. That’s why you still receive spam emails notifying you that your Paypal / Apple / Google / bank account has been suspended and that you need to click the provided link to login and resolve the issue. If you do, there’s nothing a Chromebook can do to keep you from handing over your data and causing disaster. You may see warnings from time to time where Chrome says that the website you are visiting is unsafe or listed as dangerous. If this happens, pay attention to the warnings and do not proceed. It doesn’t take much to create a clone of a real website that looks exactly what you hope to get. When you ‘log in’, hackers take your account details, go to the real site and scrutinize it for any other personal information – and money – they might steal. The golden rule is never to click on links in emails or messages that take you to your ‘account’. If an email notifies you of a problem with your account, simply open a browser window, navigate there and log in securely.

public WiFi

As with phishing scams, using public Wi-Fi can be a real danger. You may find that a hacker has defined up a fake hammock that is named after something similar to what you normally see in a cafe, library, train station, or whatever. Most trusted sites will ​​protect your payment details using encryption, but there is always a risk that hackers might see other personal data and use it to trick you or steal your money. VPNs are a way to protect against these ‘man in the middle’ attacks as they create a secure encrypted connection that prevents others from intercepting and understanding your data.

Do I need antivirus software on my Chromebook?

If you’re using the main apps from the Chrome Web Store and Google Play Store, don’t click on dodgy looking emails, and aren’t running in developer mode (if you don’t know what it is, you won’t have turned on), then Chromebooks are one of the safest devices you can use. But things can always slip through the cracks, especially if you get too confident in the machine’s ability to protect you not just from malware, but also from your own questionable online choices. So if you want to bolster your defenses a little more, you’ll find several companies that offer antivirus software for Chromebooks. This includes Malwarebytes for Chromebook as well as entries in our chart of best Android antivirus apps. The latter will cover you when using Android apps on your Chromebook, but be sure to contact the company before purchasing, just to make sure it will work on Chromebooks.

Final note

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