How do you earn money on Google’s Task Mate – Guide

Everyone wants to make money fast these days, right? Well, if you are that kind of person who likes to make quick money (in small amounts), then Google has developed a new app for you. Dubbed “TASK MATE”, this app allows you to earn money by completing tasks. You may have heard of Google’s “Opinion Rewards”, which also gives you Play Store credits if you complete a certain task. The new “Task Mate” is somewhat similar to it, but in exchange for completing the task, this new app rewards you with local currency. Google asks users to do some tasks related to Google Maps and Translator app, etc. Google said the tasks submitted by users will help them improve map services and also bring local businesses online. These types of tasks include recording spoken sentences, transcribing sentences, checking store details, and answering survey questions. This type of task requires users to visit nearby locations like stores, restaurants, etc., click on photos from that location, and upload them to the app. Tasks can be completed anytime and from anywhere.

How do you make money on Google’s Task Mate

The general structure is quite simple. Users can search for ‘near tasks’ and then choose which one they want to complete. The tasks themselves can be something from one of Google’s worldwide companies or from Google itself. A business task can be a ‘sitting task’ or a ‘field task’. For the latter, users may be required to walk to some of the nearest landmarks or stores. Google requests are usually based on their own services. Examples include ‘recording spoken phrases’, ‘checking store details’ or ‘going to the location shown on the pin and taking a picture of the window’. As of now, there is no time limit on how long users can take to complete a task. Once a task is completed, users can withdraw by registering their e-wallet or payment partner and transferring the funds to their bank account.

Google Task Mate for India

It is currently unclear how companies formulate their requirements for Google. It’s also unclear if this is just a crowdsourcing mission or if companies are paying the tech giant. The other aspect that needs to be addressed is that current screenshots show dollar earnings. It’s unclear whether this will change to reflect rupees for the Indian audience when Google’s Task Mate officially launches in the region. It can be criticized that this is just another way for Google to gather information. However, Google is already doing this independently of Task Mate. That way, there’s at least a chance you’ll get paid for it.

Final note

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