How Google Chrome is different from Microsoft Edge – Guide

Two years have passed since the release of the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser and changes have been constantly made to the cross-platform browser. Now that Microsoft is using the Chrome engine as the foundation for its Edge browser, we can see the main differences. Before we start a battle between these two browsers, we need to understand how they differ from each other. Many web browsers have important aspects that set them apart from others, and Google Chrome has managed to do that to an extent. Microsoft, however, struggled with the features built into the browser. Unlike Chrome, Edge was able to add extensions that didn’t come from the Microsoft Store. When we say why 65% ​​of users prefer Chrome over other web browsers, it’s because of the built-in apps like Drive, Docs, Translate and many other Google apps. Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the war between Chrome and Edge: although Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome share the same foundation and are built on open source Chromium, there are many areas where they differ.

How Google Chrome is different from Microsoft Edge

user interface

If you’re familiar with Google Chrome, the Microsoft Edge interface will look pretty familiar (and vice versa). For example, you can open multiple tabs in each window and bookmark your favorite pages. The differences are small and are mainly based on personal preferences.


Both Chrome and Edge arrange their tabs in a row at the top of the screen by default. Edge, however, gives you the option to switch to a row of vertical guides on the left side of the page. Chrome does not have a corresponding built-in feature for vertical guides. While there are extensions in the Chrome Web Store that can create a similar effect, none of them work as well as Microsoft Edge’s native vertical tabs. Edge and Chrome also allow you to create tab groups. There’s not much difference here. Both browsers let you choose a color and name for each group, and the tabs are automatically arranged so that tabs in the same group are next to each other.

Bookmarks and Favorites

Chrome calls them favorites, Edge calls them favorites, but the concept is the same. You can bookmark your favorite pages for easy access later. In both browsers, you can pin some of these bookmarks to the top bar and drop others into a drop-down list. You can organize your bookmarks or favorites into folders. Microsoft Edge offers a feature called “Collections”, which is another way to organize links into groups. You can add copied links, images or text snippets to a collection. You can also add notes to your collection. A collection can be uploaded to Microsoft Docs, Excel, OneDrive or Pinterest. Collections are synced across all your devices. Google has a similar feature, also called Collections. Google Collections is not Chrome specific, you can easily access and add it in Edge. Google Collections are shared allowing other Google accounts to access them.

Themes and dark mode

If you don’t like the default Edge or Chrome theme, you can choose from a variety of custom themes. Chrome themes are available from the Chrome Web Store. There is no specific setting for dark mode, but many of the available themes are dark. If you’re using Edge, you can customize your browser’s appearance a bit on the Appearance settings page. Specify whether you want the appearance to be light, dark or standard and choose a theme. In the settings, you can choose from 14 basic color themes. If you want something different, you can download a theme from the Microsoft Edge Store or the Chrome Web Store.

Mobile Version

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge have versions for Android and iOS. However, Edge is not very popular in mobile. While Chrome’s market share is 68.79% on desktop and 63.72% on mobile, Edge is 8.1% on desktop and just 0.1% on mobile. The difference can probably be explained by the fact that Edge is the default browser on Windows computers, while Chrome is the default browser on Android devices. But which browser has the best mobile application? There are some differences. For example, Chrome lets you access the menu and tabs at the top of the screen, while Edge has them at the bottom. Overall, the quality of the apps is similar and the choice depends on user preferences.


Let’s talk about one area where we can really see the difference between Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge: speed. Microsoft claimed at launch that Edge was 112% faster than Chrome. It is difficult to determine the accuracy of this claim, but many users on the web have done their own tests and come up with the same conclusion: Edge is faster than Chrome. Avast, for example, has tested many browsers and found that Edge is faster than Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Vivaldi. Chrome also has a reputation for consuming a lot of resources.

Final note

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