How is Data Protection Important – Guide

Any data or information relating to an identifiable individual that is stored or processed by your company must be adequately protected. From financial details and payment information to your employees’ contact information, the use of personal data is protected by law in the UK. Data protection is about protecting important information from tampering, compromise, or loss. The importance of data protection is increasing as the amount of data created and stored grows at an unprecedented rate. There is also little tolerance for downtime, which can make it impossible to access important information. Consequently, a big part of a data protection strategy is ensuring that data can be recovered quickly after it is damaged or lost. Protecting data from compromise and ensuring privacy are other important components of data protection. The coronavirus pandemic has pushed millions of employees to work home, resulting in the need for remote data protection. Organizations need to be prepared to protect their data wherever their employees are – from a central data center in the office to laptops at the home. In this article, you will learn what data protection means, what the strategies and trends are, and what compliance requirements must be met to overcome the many challenges of securing critical workloads.

How data protection matters

While research shows that there is a skills gap in data protection, it is important to keep up with the latest trends in data protection policy and technology.


With the advent of hyperconvergence, vendors have started offering appliances to secure and restore physical and virtual environments that are hyperconverged, non-hyperconverged, or mixed. Data protection capabilities built into the hyper-converged infrastructure are replacing multiple devices in the data center. Cohesity, Rubrik and other vendors offer hyperconvergence for secondary storage that provides backup, DR, archiving, data copy management, and other non-primary storage functions. These products integrate software and hardware and can serve as backup destinations for existing data center backup applications. They can also target the cloud and provide backups for virtual environments.


This type of malware, which holds data hostage for an extortion fee, is a growing problem. Until now, traditional backup methods were used to protect data from ransomware. However, increasingly sophisticated ransomware adapts and bypasses traditional backup methods. The latest version of malware infiltrates an organization’s data over time, so the organization ends up support up the ransomware virus along with the data. This situation makes it difficult, if not impossible, to revert to a clean version of the data. To combat this issue, vendors are working to adapt backup and recovery products and methods to circumvent the new ransomware. features. Additionally, organizations must ensure that their remotely stored data is protected, as ransomware threats are amplified when employees are most vulnerable and working on less secure networks.

Copy data management

CDM reduces the number of copies of data an organization needs to store, reduces the burden of storing and managing data, and simplifies data protection. CDM can accelerate application release cycles, increase productivity and reduce management costs through automation and centralized control. The next step for CDM is to add more intelligence. Companies like Veritas Technologies are combining CDM with their smart data management platforms.

Disaster Recovery as a Service

The use of DRaaS is growing as more options are offered and prices drop. It is being used for critical business systems where more and more data is being replicated, not just backed up. up.

The risks of “online presence”

Everything we do online reveals small parts of our real existence. We enter our last names, first names and addresses on various forms, along with phone numbers, information about previous education and employment. We look for information about articles that interest us, make online purchases, insert all kinds of information and opinions on social networks. All the sites where we enter this data know very small parts of us. The amount of information about individuals that can be found on the Internet was illustrated a few years ago in a video created by Guillaume Duval as part of a privacy awareness campaign. The video features an extremely talented psychic, Dave, who seems to be able to “see” extremely detailed private data about his clients. The “magic” behind the magic turns out to be even more sinister.

Personal information – pieces of the puzzle

There are companies that link every little bit of information about you that you have entered on various websites over the years. This data leads to a very detailed personal profile that goes a long way in tailoring direct marketing very specifically to you. That way, ads can be targeted to the products and services you’re thinking about, slowly urging you to make a purchase. Even more dangerous, this profile can also be used for political purposes. History has taught us that detailed knowledge of people’s ethnic origin and political or religious beliefs can literally be life threatening in the wrong hands. Another application of online profiles is the search profile that Google uses to customize its search results. Using your search history and the list of cookies on your device in conjunction with your geographic location and other information Google has about you, Google tries to predict what information you want to see. Therefore, when searching for information about Greece, some users receive information about holiday destinations and other information about the political and economic situation in the country.

the filter bubble

At first glance, this seems very convenient, but it is also dangerous. Eli Pariser coined the term “filter bubble” in his book of the same name.[1]: As a result, each of us will increasingly live in our own unique universe of information: the “filter bubble”. We will mainly receive pleasant, familiar news that confirms our beliefs – and since these filters are invisible, we will not know what is hidden from us. Our past interests will determine what we see in the future, leaving less room for unexpected encounters that foster creativity, innovation and the democratic exchange of ideas.”

Final note

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