How to Access Mac’s Hidden Files – Guide

Your PC has backend catalogs, libraries and files that help keep the framework working as expected. If you somehow delete or move any of these files, something could go wrong. That’s why we don’t suggest you mess with them unless you realize what you’re doing. Windows users can track these files in File Explorer, where confirming changes and errors is simple. To prevent Mac users from doing the same, Apple hides a large number of these files, of course, on macOS. This means you don’t have to worry about demolishing your PC, but it does make things a little more difficult when you need access. You can see these hidden files on a Mac through Finder or your Mac’s Terminal app. Just remember that there’s not much motivation to play around with these documents, like migrating program indexes or troubleshooting drivers – and assuming you hope to clean up some hard drive space, there are alternative approaches to achieving this.

How to Access hidden Mac files

Showing hidden files via Mac Finder

The first and easiest method is to use Mac Finder to show hidden files:

Mac Terminal: show hidden files

Another way is to use Mac Terminal to show hidden files: After running the script, hidden files should show up in Finder. When finished, save the files again by following these steps: You can also use Terminal to hide your specific files from prying eyes. To hide something from view on your Mac, follow these steps: Remember that anyone can reveal the folders you’ve just hidden using the same methods. If you want to protect your data from snoopers properly, consider NordLocker’s Mac file encryption. That way, no one but you will be able to see the contents of the files.

Viewing Hidden Files on a Mac Using File Managers

Another way to reveal hidden files is by using third-party file managers. File managers make the process relatively easy. Here it is how to show hidden files on Mac with ForkLift:

Final note

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