Guide: How To Access Purchase History of iTunes

If you’ve been using iTunes for some time, your purchase history is likely to be long and varied. If it’s anything like mine, it contains a little bit of everything, music, TV shows, a book or three and some random apps thrown in for good measure. If you want or dare to see your iTunes purchase history, this tutorial will show you how. For the few people on the planet who don’t know what iTunes is, it’s the online Apple Store. It sells apps, music, movies, TV shows, books and magazines. It allows you to buy digital versions of branded media and use it on your Apple device. You can also use iTunes with Windows. By managing your purchases, you can re-download previously purchased items, make sure no one else has gotten your login, and see how much you’ve spent over the years.

View your iTunes purchase history

If you want to view your iTunes purchase history, it will only take a few seconds. Depending on how many purchases you’ve made, it may take a while to load. Once loaded, you should see everything you bought since you started using iTunes.

View your purchase history without iTunes

To get the whole picture, iTunes really must be installed on your computer. If you don’t have access to it at the time, you can check some details with an iPhone or iPad. Or go to the Apple Report a Problem page to see activity for the past 90 days.

Dive into your iTunes purchase history

Once your list of purchases is presented, you can extract some more information if you wish. Select the gray arrow next to a purchase to see more information about it. It shows the time and data, order number, exact item, cost and all other relevant data. From here you can continue or report a problem with a purchase.

Dealing with discrepancies in your iTunes purchase history

If you look at your iTunes purchase history to see if your account might have been hacked, here’s exactly what was bought and when. If you see that something is wrong, check with your credit card or debit account to see if the money has been charged. If so, select Report a problem button next to Done. Before reporting a problem to Apple, it makes sense to check if there is some other reason for the difference. There is an account status that could mean that your history doesn’t look the way you think it should. They include authorization hold, deferred payment, subscription renewal or a purchase with Family Sharing. An authorization block is where your bank holds a purchase to check its validity. They can contact you to check if it is legit. This usually only happens when you first purchase or mark something on iTunes up to the systems of the bank. A delayed charge is often the same as an authorization hold. Something in your bank holds up up payment. This is rare and usually very temporary. A subscription renewal can show up in your purchase history as a result of someone participating in Family Sharing. This is a common question if someone who joins Family Sharing brings their subscriptions, which will show up in the purchase history. A purchase with Family Sharing is where someone in Family Sharing makes a purchase. You may not recognize it, so you should check with your family. If you see something that you don’t recognize in your iTunes purchase history and you’ve checked for those terms, report the problem to Apple immediately. Visit the Apple charges information page for information on how to manage payments. You can also remove the payment method if you see activity currently taking place. You can always add it again later. So now you know how to view your iTunes purchase history and what to do if you notice a difference. Hope it helps!

How To Access Purchase History of iTunes: benefits


Final note

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