In Pokemon Scarlet and Purple, this is no longer the case. Instead, after catching your own Pokémon, you can access and manage your team and crates remotely without having to run to the nearest Pokémon Center. Learn how to access your PC boxes on the move here.

Steps to Store Extra Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

Final words

We hope you enjoy our article on how to access your PC boxes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. All Pokémon games have a common goal. To find all Pokemon, and Pokemon Scarlet and Purple is no different. However, if you like catching every new Pokemon that comes your way, then you must have encountered the problem of limited PC cases. In this game, the old method of storing and retrieving Pokémon in the Pokémon Center has been resolved with the introduction of a new crate system.

How to access your PC boxes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - 71How to access your PC boxes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - 4How to access your PC boxes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - 80How to access your PC boxes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - 15