How to Add an Expiration Date to Emails in Gmail – Guide

Are you wondering if it is possible to send emails with an expiration date? Yes, it is possible and it only takes a few minutes to give emails an expiration date. Google offers a confidential mode in Gmail that allows you to add an expiration date. Gmail users also have the option to prevent the recipient from viewing the email before the expiration date. Gmail, also known as Google Mail, is the largest email service provider in the world. It offers numerous hidden options tricks, tips and features that you should know. In this article, you will learn another useful tool feature which explains the method to add an expiration date to emails in Gmail. Confidential mode allows users to limit access to emails sent to recipients. This protects the information in the email and prevents the recipient from copying, printing, downloading and forwarding the email. The sender has the option to remove access to confidential email from the recipient’s inbox. Gmail offers the ability to set an expiration date on emails, so emails that are no longer needed will then automatically disappear, making room for future emails. Deleting emails in bulk when the storage offered by Google is full can be tedious. User can preset timeout for emails to enjoy uninterrupted service.

How to Add an expiration date to your emails in Gmail

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