How to Add Audio in Google Slides Presentation – Guide

Now we can embed audio into Google Slides – it can be speech, music, narration, sound effects, any type of audio you have access to or want to create. For many years, teachers asked me how to add audio – usually narration or background music – to Google Slides. Google heard our request and now we have a new menu option: Insert > Audio! Live! There are so many ways to use this feature in our lesson plans and student projects. Whichever audio source you prefer, this article provides a comprehensive overview guide for each method. However, care must be taken if you plan to use SoundCloud or YouTube audio. Some of the tracks are copyrighted, so it’s best to opt for audio that fits into the Creative Commons category or is in the public domain.

Here are the steps to add audio to Presentations:

Below are steps to add music to Google Slides with Spotify:

Final note

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