How To Add Branching In Microsoft Forms – Guide

Logical conditioning or branching is perhaps one of the most practical solutions when you want to keep your form as concise and short as possible. And with Microsoft Forms, you can do just that. This feature it prevents you from overfilling your forms and also prevents your viewers from filling out long and boring answers. Before we start, let us say that creating a long form with multiple topics can be a challenge. This is because Microsoft Forms allows you to create and add questions in a linear fashion. And well, you can lose sight of the flow very quickly. Another benefit is that all questions in a section are displayed together, preventing respondents from needlessly clicking the Next button. button. By using branching, you direct respondents to other questions or sections based on the answer they provide to a question. Let’s say you have a survey about the products you sell. You can direct respondents who purchased clothing to a different area than those who purchased electronics. Perhaps you have seen it yourself. You can answer a survey by asking if you would be willing to answer a few more questions. If you answer yes, you will see these additional questions. But if you answer “No”, the poll is over.

select branch

Select the questions you want to branch

On the Branch Options page, drop-down menus appear next to each question answer. Select the arrow to see a drop-down menu. For each possible answer to the question, select the question you would like to branch to. For example, if the student chooses the correct answer to question 1, they can proceed to the next question.

Choose End of form

Choose the ‘End of form’ option from the drop-down menu if you want a single question to be the final quiz question.

Final note

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