How to add music to an Instagram video post, Story, or Reel – Guide

Using music in your Instagram posts and stories can be a great way to bring your content to life or add something different to your most recent uploads. Here are the best ways to add music to your IG. Despite Instagram’s pivot to focus on reel-like video content, there is still a huge active user base that primarily uses the app to upload stories and regular posts to the grid. In particular, many people like to add a certain effect or set a mood using music or other audio to accompany their posts, whether for an image or video. Uploading music to your stories is relatively simple, however, adding background music to a standard Instagram post is a bit of a time-consuming process. Here it is how to do both.

How to add music to an instagram post

Unlike Stories, there is no music in the app feature currently available for Instagram posts. So, if you want to add a cool track to your new video, you’ll need to use a third-party app before publishing.

How to add music to a video post with Tempo

Tempo is a free video editing app with cool filters and transition effects, as well as a music library full of free licensed music that you can add to your videos. Here it is how to use Tempo to add a track to your Instagram video post: Tempo is free to download and use for a three-day trial, but after that, you need to subscribe. up for a paid subscription to access your features.

How to add music to an Instagram post using Add Background Music to Video

Another app that lets you add background music to your Instagram videos is a very useful tool with a self-explanatory name: Add Background Music to Video. While this app doesn’t have a huge music library to choose from, it is free and compatible with iTunes or any other MP3 file library you may have downloaded. Here it is how to use the:

How to post a video clip on Instagram using TikTok

Another way to add music to your Instagram feed is to share a music video you created on TikTok. If you don’t already know this app, TikTok is a video sharing platform originally designed to share lip sync videos. It’s free to download and use, and it has a huge library of licensed sounds and music that you can add to your videos. The app allows you to record a complete video in a single take or in small snippets. Additionally, you have the option to upload an existing video of your Camera List. Here it is how to create a TikTok video and share it on Instagram:

How to post a video clip to Instagram Stories

Adding music to your Stories is much simpler than adding music to a post, thanks to Instagram’s in-app music feature. With the Music Stories feature, you can browse thousands of popular commercially licensed songs to accompany your video.

How to add music to a video story on instagram

Here it is how to add music to your video in Stories with Instagram music sticker:

How to put music on an Instagram video using Add Background Music to Video

The Add Background Music to Video app can also be used to add music to stories. If you don’t want to use the music sticker, just follow these instructions to create a music video for your Stories:

How to post a video clip to Stories using TikTok

You can also post your TikTok videos to your Instagram stories. Here it is how to do it:

How to add music to an instagram reel video

The reels are similar to TikTok videos in that many accounts use them for lip-syncing content. The same songs available for Stories are available for Reel videos. No matter how you choose to format your Video Reel, adding music to it is very simple. See how:

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to add music to an Instagram video post, Story, or Reel. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.