How To Add Music To Your Facebook Stories – Guide

Songs that express who we are can be easily displayed on anyone’s Facebook profile. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about sudden interruptions in the music. Your friend’s music is only available on phone and will not play automatically. Learn how to add your favorites to your profile here. Posting a story on Facebook is a great way to share things you might regret later on, as it’s only available for 24 hours. With this cool feature, you can easily say what you’re thinking without it still being on your profile the next day. You can use Facebook Stories to share photos and videos, but did you know you can also share music? You can add music to your photo or video or create a standalone music story. Here it is how to do it.

How to add music to your facebook stories

To create a music post

To create a regular story post with music

Final note

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