Guide: How to Adjust the Brightness of the iPhone Flashlight

The iPhone is not only one of the most popular smartphones in the world, it is also one of the most popular flashlights. From the early days of the device when third-party apps showed a constant white screen for a unique flashlight mode to more modern times where Apple built flashlight functionality directly into iOS, millions of iPhone owners around the world always have a relatively powerful and handy flashlight available When Apple first introduced an official flashlight mode in iOS, it had two simple settings: on and off. Those who wanted more advanced functionality such as brightness control had to rely on jailbroken adjustments. On more recent iPhones, users can now easily adjust the brightness of their flashlight through more official means. First, it is important to note that the ability to change the flashlight brightness requires the use of 3D Touch, meaning the iPhone 6s or later. If you have a compatible device, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to activate the Control Center. Here you’ll find the flashlight icon available by default (if it’s not there, you can add it back by going to Settings> Control Center> Customize ControlsTapping the flashlight icon once turns it on and off. Use a 3D Touch to change the brightness of the iPhone’s flashlight (i.e. press and hold the icon firmly). This will display a screen with an adjustment bar in the center. Wipe up To make the iPhone flashlight brighter, swipe down to make it dimmer.Once you’ve set the brightness you want, just tap outside the bar to close the screen. From now on, your iPhone will remember this brightness setting when you turn on the flashlight. If you find the setting too light or too dim, you can always repeat the steps above to set a new brightness level.

Flashlight icon greyed out?

If you’re trying to adjust the brightness of your iPhone flashlight, but the flashlight icon in the Control Center is grayed out and not selectable, it probably means that another app is currently controlling the iPhone’s. camera flash (this is the light used for the flashlight feature). This usually occurs during use camera or video recording apps, although other less obvious apps that occasionally use the camera To fix the problem, you need to close any apps that might be using the camera. If that doesn’t work, restart your iPhone.

How to Adjust the Brightness of the iPhone Flashlight: benefits


Final note

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