As a result, you actually use a lower resolution and can see less on the screen. The amount of pixels that displays can display both horizontally and vertically is referred to as screen resolution, also known as display resolution. Thousands of pixels make up the visuals on display devices like computer monitors, digital televisions, cellphones, and tablets. Users may see more information with less scrolling on screens with more pixels. We mentioned below are the steps to adjust display size on Android.

Steps to adjust display size on Android

Step 1: Scroll down the Notification Shade twice to reveal the Settings gear icon. Tap that icon to open Settings. Step 2: Open the Display Settings page Step 3: Tap Display to enter the Display feature settings. Step 4: In the new window, scroll down until you see Display Size Step 5: In the resulting window, you’ll see a drag bar at the bottom. If you drag the handle to the right, you increase the display size. Drag it to the left to decrease the size.

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to adjust display size on Android. A fairly cool feature built into Android can be a tremendous help for eyes that are becoming older. You can change the size of the display on your device using that option. Obviously, this won’t result in a larger physical display. Instead, it alters your device’s resolution so that fonts and other on-screen objects appear either larger or smaller.

How to adjust display size on Android - 11How to adjust display size on Android - 68How to adjust display size on Android - 99How to adjust display size on Android - 78