How to Archive Your Facebook Posts – Guide

Whether you’ve decided to leave Facebook once and for all or just want to delete old posts that you regret posting, the world’s biggest social media site hasn’t made it easy to properly remove content – until now. In the past, Facebook has faced criticism for making the process of removing a photo, comment or like too cumbersome. And if you wanted to delete your account entirely, you could unknowingly leave a digital footprint, like a message sent to someone still active on the platform. Fortunately, there’s a new Facebook feature called Manage Activity that makes it easy to delete posted content, both in bulk and individually, all in one place. This includes the option to archive your posts privately so they are only visible to you and not completely removed from Facebook. For example, you can save a post from 2008 that you still think is funny – like a haircut that failed and your friends’ funny reactions to it, but that you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see. Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform in the world; YouTube is in second place. In March, Facebook had an average of 1.73 billion daily users worldwide, according to the company. At that time, much of the world was starting to protect itself from coronavirus infections. In May, nearly a quarter of the 232.7 million Facebook users in the United States were 55 or older, according to NapoleonCat, a social media management system based in a suburb of Warsaw, Poland. Another 15 percent were between 45 and 54 years old. So if you, like much of the world, have a Facebook account, read on to learn how to manage activity and delete or save posts you no longer want to share.

How to Archive your Facebook posts

How to Hide Facebook Posts with Archive Feature

Depending on the number of posts you want to hide, you can choose to archive individual posts or archive them in bulk. This article will show you how to do both.

How to Archive a single Facebook post

Follow the steps below to archive a Facebook post.

How to Bulk archive Facebook posts

Here’s How to archive multiple posts at once:

How to Restore archived Facebook posts

Here it is how to restore archived Facebook posts:

Final note

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