How to Automatically Hide Navigation Bar on Any Android – Guide

The navigation bar in Android is a line consisting of the Back buttona Home button the Recent button located at the bottom of the app. Most devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop and above do not have physical navigation buttons so they are on screen buttons for screen life. However, for applications that include games and videos, these buttons become redundant. Also, accidentally touching these keys can lead to data loss, especially for applications running real-time on servers. Therefore, in this article we will show you how to hide navigation bar on android.

How to Automatically hide navigation bar on any Android

Hide the navigation bar using third-party apps

You can use the Power Toggles app to enable immersive mode on your device, which basically hides the status bar and navigation bar to give you more screen space. To do this, follow the steps below:

Hide the navigation bar using the Build.Prop editor (root)

Final note

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