How to back up Linux apps and files on your Chromebook – Guide

If you are a regular Linux user on a Chromebook, it should support up your Linux applications and files. Jack Wallen shows you how. If you took the leap and installed Linux support on your Chromebook, you’ve probably already started installing apps and working with files and data. That being the case, you may be curious to see how you get back up these applications and data. In some cases, you’ll save data within the Linux file system hierarchy (rather than your local or cloud storage via Chrome OS. Fortunately, Chrome OS developers have thought of this, so you don’t have to worry about finding this data and running commands to back it all up. up. I want to show you how this is done. I will be using Chrome OS 95.0.4631.0, but the process should work on almost all recent versions that support Linux. I assume you already have Linux support enabled on your Chromebook. If not, take a look How to install Linux apps on your Chromebook to install this subsystem. If you’ve already enabled Linux on your Chromebook, you’ve got everything you need. If you haven’t enabled Linux on your Chromebook, do so from time to time and proceed to the backup section.

How to Linux application and data backup

Open the Chrome OS Settings app and locate Linux Development Environment (which should be found in the Developers section). In the resulting window, click Backup and Restore. In the new window, click Backup. After clicking Backup, you will be asked to select a location to store your backup file (Figure C, which will have a .tini extension). I recommend that you save this file to Google Drive or an external SD card. Do this in case a powerwash is ever needed (otherwise you would lose these backups). I created a LINUX BACKUP folder on Google Drive to store my Chrome OS Linux backups. Better safe than sorry. Depending on how many Linux applications you have installed and how much data is stored in the Linux directory hierarchy, the backup may take some time (especially if you are uploading to Drive). Allow plenty of time to complete.

How to restore a linux backup

The restoration process is pretty much the same, the only difference is clicking Restore instead of Backup. After clicking Restore, you will be asked to confirm the restore and locate the backup file. Do this and the restoration will work without a hitch. You will need to restart Chromebook after restoration or restart Linux. You can restart Linux by starting one of your Linux applications, which will prompt you to restart. After Linux was restarted, everything worked as expected. And that’s all there is to support up Linux apps and files on your Chromebook. If you depend on Linux on your Chrome OS device, get into the habit of backing up up regularly, so you don’t roll up having to start from scratch in the event of a disaster on your Chromebook. Please share this article if you like it!

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to back up Linux apps and files on your Chromebook. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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