Guide: How to Back­up/Restore Reg­istry Files

The Registry Editor in Windows 10 is like a jungle – confusing and scary. Still, it’s full of wonderful tweaks that are otherwise hard to find. It is a database of configuration settings for Windows, system apps, hardware devices and even third party apps. If you are not careful with the apps you install and don’t maintain registry hygiene, learn this how to back-up, restore and edit registry files properly. We recommend editing registry files in much of our troubleshooting guides for Windows 10. The registry contains instructions and references to system files that are essential for the smooth running of software and hardware. Lots of the advanced features and settings can be enabled / disabled by adjusting the registry entries. But what happens if you edit the wrong file or enter the wrong value? What if there is an unforeseen conflict? That can destroy your computer and make all data on it inaccessible. That’s why we share this guide On how to back-up, restore and edit registry files. Here’s everything you need to know about Registry Editor before customizing it.

Basic terminology

Here’s what a typical path for a registry key looks like. ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE

“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” and other top-level folders you see are called Hives. The ‘SOFTWARE’ is called a key, and they can go deep (many levels), each divided by a backslash. Finally, the ‘Standard’ file you see on the right is called a value. You can think of them as folders and files for convenience. Disclaimer: Don’t mess with registry keys and values ​​if you don’t know what you’re doing. Adding, removing, and editing these can break things at the system level. We strongly recommend that you do not make any changes to your only computer unless you don’t mind reinstalling windows, losing data and changing various settings. Proceed at your own risk.

How to Edit keys or values ​​in the Registry Editor

It’s best to adjust those values ​​in safe mode. However, the more comprehensive answer depends on the problem you are trying to solve. After you make a backupup of the registry using any of the methods below, restart your computer in safe mode before starting troubleshooting. That way, if something goes wrong, you don’t have to reinstall or reset the entire operating system. You can recover the edited / deleted registry key to get your computer working again. The process of opening Registry Editor and creating / deleting / editing a key or value remains the same in Safe Mode.

How to Make regular backupsup of the system registry in Windows 10

There was a time when Windowsup from the ‘system registry’ to the RegBack folder. That is no longer the case, as Microsoft points out. The release of Windows 10 version 1803 brought a change to reduce the operating system footprint on the disk. For those who haven’t noticed, Windows only backs upup specific keys and values ​​in the system registry that are essential to the functioning of the operating system. That means that third-party apps are left out. Fortunately, there is a way to change this system setting with the Registry Editor itself. That is ironic. The Microsoft support team shared the steps to keep the option open in case someone backs up regularly.up of system registry files. To enable the old method, go to the location below. HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerConfiguration ManagerEnablePeriodicBackup If you don’t see the EnablePeriodicBackup value, create one. So right click on the right pane and select DWORD (32-bit) value and give it a name.

Double click on the newly created file and change the value from 0 (zero) to 1.

Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer to start the backup process. Windows should have created a new task called RegIdleBackup to manage it. You can check it in Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc).

How to Manually back upup create / restore the registry

This is one of the two methods Microsoft recommends for backing upup of the registry keys and values. Search for Registry Editor in Windows Search and open it with the administrator privileges – Run it as administrator.

Select the key to be backed upup and select Export from the File menu.

The next screen will ask you to choose a location and name the file. I suggest you give the output file the same name as the key. That makes it easier to determine when to restore it. The export function creates a .REG file that a text editor such as Notepad can easily read.

In the export scope, you can choose to export all or just the selected branch. Everything is always a safer bet when in doubt. Recovering is easy in case you messed up up something. Open the path where you want to restore the key and click Import under the File menu. Select the file and interface should add it to Registry Editor.

How to Back-up / restore with restore point

People at Microsoft recommend a different method for that. When you create a restore point, a backupup created from the registry files and also from other important system files. Note that there is a difference between reset and restore points. Search for ‘Create a restore point’ in the Start menu and open it.

Click Create here.

You can then follow the onscreen instructions to create a restore point.

To restore your system to a previous restore point, repeat the same process as for creating a restore point. However, in the last window, click on System Restore button and follow the instructions on the screen.

Bring the clerk

There are also some third-party apps available to back upup and restore those registry keys. One of them is MiniTool ShadowMaker. However, I rely on system restore points more than anything else. The process is simple, free, and Windows OS regularly makes a point. You can create one manually before making any major changes, such as editing the registry entry. It is better to restore the registry than to reinstall the entire operating system while data is lost. The next up: Missing old features that are no longer available in Windows 10? Here’s How to get some of them back. Click the link below to.

How to Back­up/Restore Reg­istry Files: benefits


Final note

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