How to Backup Mac in iCloud: Guide – Guide

Are you wondering what is the best way to get back up a Mac? Looking for a way to get back up your Mac without an external drive? I want to go back up your Mac to iCloud, Dropbox or another external backup solution? We’ll look at the different types of backups you can have and explain how to back up your Mac. Make sure you can recover your data if your Mac is stolen, broken or infected with malware.

1. Upgrade your iCloud storage

Storing almost all of your computer’s files on iCloud will require much more than the 5 GB of free storage that Apple offers for iCloud. To update your iCloud storage, open System Preferences on your Mac and choose iCloud. At the bottom, click Manage … Now click Buy more storage … or if you have already purchased a plan and need more, click Change storage plan … Choose one of the available prices and storage options. 50 GB of storage costs $ 0.99 per month, 250 GB costs $ 2.99 per month and 1 TB costs $ 9.99 per month. Tip: To estimate what you might need, click the Apple logo in the menu bar, select About this Mac and click Storage to see how much you’re currently using. Remember that the amount you will actually end up iCloud storage should be much less than that when you count system files and other unnecessary items. Follow the process of updating your storage plan, then return to your iCloud settings.

2. Activate all iCloud services

Pure and simple: click the checkmark for each possible iCloud service. This is especially true for iCloud Drive and Photos – make sure the iCloud Photo Library is turned on so you don’t miss any. Keys are also important for remembering your passwords and credit cards saved on all devices. This will not only benefit you now, as it will keep all your content in sync between devices, but also in the future, when you need it on a new device. Tip: Although music is not technically an iCloud service, you should consider an Apple Music subscription if you don’t already have one (or Spotify Premium). Apple Music with iCloud Music Library enabled will automatically store all of your music in the cloud and place it on any new or existing device. Subscriptions cost $ 9.99 per month. If you don’t want to subscribe and prefer to keep your music stored locally, that’s fine too. I will address this in a moment.

3. Copy user files to iCloud Drive

It’s time to migrate in a two-step process. First, you are making a copy of all the valuable files and folders to iCloud Drive. Copy and paste them to iCloud Drive in the Finder – items like movies, local music (like the iTunes folder), iMovie or GarageBand files, images, screenshots and downloads. Do not click and drag. If you are running macOS Sierra, see how to add your files and documents from your desktop to iCloud Drive automatically. Important: Be sure to copy the entire folders or create new, clearly identified folders. Don’t drag all your files to the main iCloud Drive folder and create a disorganized mess. Do not move apps to iCloud Drive. The applications are a little more complicated than they look. However, you can move the application data, which I will talk about in the next section. Don’t worry about confidential system files, caches, messages or anything like that. Just focus on your own personal user files for now. When you’re done, you can optionally add folder shortcuts like Music, Movies, etc. in the Finder sidebar by dragging and dropping iCloud Drive folders. Since you will still access most of your files locally, this is not necessary.

4. Copy the library files

This will only take a moment, because you will leave most of the garbage behind. With the Finder active, click Go on the menu bar. Press and hold the Option key and choose Library. All you really need from here are application scripts, application support and containers. Also, get Safari if you use it as your primary browser. Select all four of them and copy and paste them into iCloud Drive as well. This will help to preserve some of your application’s settings. Tip: If it helps you sleep at night, you can just copy and paste the entire Library folder if you have space for it on iCloud Drive. You won’t need most of it, but the feeling of security can calm your nerves. As for the applications themselves, you will have to reinstall them manually. I know, I’m sorry. But if you get most of them from the Mac App Store, it won’t be long, as you can download them again from the cloud. Otherwise, keep the installation discs, license keys and download accounts in a note (digital or physical) for later use.

5. Restore

Now that almost everything you need is in iCloud Drive, when you buy a new computer, you won’t have much work to do. You can copy confidential files from the iCloud Drive Library back to your local library. All your user files, media, messages, etc. must be readily available for access in iCloud. The only job you really should have is to reinstall your applications properly and adjust the system settings back to your preferences.

Final note

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