How to Block Specific apps for a Specific time in Android Device – Guide

We have many applications installed on our smartphone. Some apps can distract us at work. So, you can block these apps for a specific time. I have a simple trick you can use to block your apps for a specific period of time. Also, as a parent, you don’t want your kids to play with apps all day or access sensitive apps like banking or social media with shocking content. Fortunately, you can change your bad smartphone habits with the help of other software. Here it is how to block apps on android if you don’t limit your warnings. Whether you want to increase your productivity or protect yourself, others, or children from overuse of apps, you can find the right tools to help your devices support your healthier lifestyle without smartphone addiction. You can constantly overcome your (or your child’s) mental desires for mobile games. You don’t even need to completely uninstall them from your phone. You can always have a cheat day and use them whenever you want. Losing track of time when you’re busy scrolling through apps or playing games isn’t very uncommon. You’re probably looking at your phone’s when ideally you should be doing something else. What if you could somehow revoke your access to certain apps for a period of time?

How to Block Any App for a Specific Time on Android

Steps to block any app for a specific period:

Final note

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